Monday, September 30, 2019

Watch D.O.G.S. on Monday

Magical Monday

A "Magic Carpet Ride" is one way to practice being still and quiet.  Use your imagination to travel to any place that feels comfortable, safe and happy for you.  Hang out there, in your mind, and then "travel back." We practiced for a minute today!  "Being still and quiet" is one way to take care of you and be the best version of yourself!  #bestillandquiet @Pleasant Hill Elementary #bestronginyourbodybrainsandheart #mrsbroamhats

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Family POWER Yoga

We breathed like a bunny to get started with our yoga fun!🐰

We interwove our story with Lexington One's Power Skills and YOGA!🧘

We warmed up by "moving like the sun!"🌞

Lazy Mayzie convinces Horton the Elephant he should sit on her egg!🥚

After shirking her responsibility, she flies to Palm Beach for vacation.🏖

Horton reinforces the tree, climbs up, and sits on the nest.🥚
Giraffes and other animals made fun of Horton sitting on the nest.🦒
 Hunters captured Horton and took him to the circus!🎪

Here's our flags flying over the circus tent.🚩

Mayze discovers Horton at the circus, and she wants her egg back?!🐦

But the egg cracks and a baby elephant bird hatches!🐘
 We discussed about when to ask for help.❓
 We closed our practice with a twist.🔀

 We rested.😴

Thank you for POWER yoga-ing together today, PHES Families!🙏

Friday, September 27, 2019


When I read Z is for Moose by Kelly Bingham, I think about when we have an UPSTAIRS BRAIN moment (1) nobody should get hurt (2) nothing should get broken.  It's okay to have an UPSTAIRS BRAIN moment.  ALL FEELINGS ARE OKAY!  It may be unpleasant to experience, but it is okay to feel an unpleasant feeling.  We should manage feelings in healthy ways. Join us for Family Power Yoga at PHES on Sunday, September 29, at 3:00!  It's a great way to be in charge of how you feel.  We will explore a good book and Lexington One's Power Skills as we breathe, balance, s-t-r-e-t-c-h, and strengthen together! #iloveyoga🧘#ilovesharingyogawithyou #allfeelingsareokay #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamMOVES #mrsbroamREADS @PHES

Thursday, September 26, 2019


BAAA-maste is what we say to the good in GOATS and YOU?!  Join us for Family Power Yoga at PHES on Sunday, September 29, at 3:00!  We will explore a good book and Lexington One's Power Skills as we breathe, balance, s-t-r-e-t-c-h, and strengthen together! #iloveyoga🧘#ilovesharingyogawithyou #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamMOVES #mrsbroamREADS @PHES
We read Unicorn Thinks He's Great by Bob Shea!  We enjoyed Goat's voice in this story . . .
We followed that up with a game of UNOcorns.🦄  Another great day at PHES!🐾

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

I'm Feeling ALRIGHT!

"The birds are singing. The sky is bright. The sun is shining. I'm feeling ALRIGHT!"~Pete the Cat and His Magic Sunglasses by Kimberly and James Dean
Yay for today's COUGARTHON! #itisfuntorun #supportourschool #ilovePHES #mrsbroamhats

Watch D.O.G.S. on Wednesday

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Be LLAMAzing on Tuesday!

We have a lot happening . . . take some time to be still and quiet so you can POWER UP for all the tasks ahead!  PHES Family POWER Yoga will be Sunday afternoon, 9/29, 3:00-4:00. 🧘 It's a great opportunity to strengthen your brains, body and heart!💚💛💚💛 #iloveyoga🧘#ilovesharingyogawithyou #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamMOVES @PHES

Monday, September 23, 2019

It's FALL, Y'all!

Namastay in the South, where it'll still be warm for a while . . . Namaste is a yoga word which means the good in me honors and appreciates the good in you!  Come yoga with PHES friends on Sunday afternoon, 9/29, 3:00-4:00.  Bring mats or beach towels for everyone in your family.  Wear comfortable clothes and be ready to move and breath with the Lexington One's Power Skills! #iloveyoga🧘#ilovesharingyogawithyou #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamMOVES #yeaforfall🍁

Watch D.O.G.S. on Monday

Friday, September 20, 2019

Be STRONG on Friday!

Mrs. Broam has declared this week "Warrior Week!" We've been exploring how to move your body like a "Warrior" each day.  On Friday, I'm wearing my dove hat to promote "Peaceful Warrior" Yoga Pose!  This is a strong stretch for your side body.  Start with a "Warrior 2" footprint~see Tuesday's post~then lift the forward hand up and over the body.  The back hand rests on your back leg, like a decoration.  You are creating space for deep breathing with this particular Warrior Pose.  You also stretch and strengthen your legs, improve your balance, calm your nervous system, and lengthen your spine when moving and breathing like a "Peaceful Warrior."  Let peace begin with YOU!! Happy Weekend, Warriors! #warriorweek #iamawarrior #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamMOVES 🕊

Watch D.O.G.S. on Friday

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Be STRONG on Thursday!

Mrs. Broam has declared this week "Warrior Week!" We'll explore how to move your body like a "Warrior" each day. Today we celebrate the "Humble Warrior."  This pose is a hip and heart opener!  Set up for Warrior 1~see Monday's post~and lean forward.  Stretch your arms back and feel like you are a hood ornament on a car!  While strengthening your legs and ankles, you stretch your shoulders, arms, legs, back, and neck.  In Charlotte's Web by E.B. White, the very last word Charlotte writes in the web is "HUMBLE."  She explains to Templeton the rat, humble means "not proud."  Social humility includes sincerity, honesty, unselfishness, thoughtfulness, and maturity. Intellectual humility is about curiosity, brightness, logic, and awareness. Be STRONG on Thursday in your body, brains, and heart! #warriorweek #iamawarrior #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamMOVES 🐷🕸

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Be STRONG on Wednesday!

On Wednesday, be a WARRIOR, not a worrier!
Mrs. Broam has declared this week "Warrior Week!" We'll explore how to move your body like a "Warrior" each day. Today I'm wearing my BIGGEST Viking Hat, and we're balancing in "Warrior 3" Yoga Pose! Grow roots from one foot into the ground. Tip forward, reaching your belly button towards the floor while lifting and extending the opposite leg.  Have the toe of the long leg also reach towards the ground! Squeeze your tummy tight as you balance.  Your arms can be forward, to the side or back like in this picture.  "Warrior 3" strengthens the whole backside of the body!  It also strengthens the abdominal muscles.  It improves balance, posture, and full-body coordination! #warriorweek #iamawarrior #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamMOVES

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Be STRONG on Tuesday!

Mrs. Broam has declared this week "Warrior Week!" We'll explore how to move your body like a "Warrior" each day. Today we explore holding your body in a "Warrior 2" posture!  Take your feet and stand on "railroad tracks" and then take one toe and turn it sideways.  Bend that knee and stretch the back leg long.  Arms reach in front and behind you, like crossing the "letter T."  Your gaze is forward, and you are STRONG, like a "warrior!" 

The benefits of holding this position and taking good deep breaths include stretching and strengthening your hips, shoulders, and chest!  It builds stamina, concentration, energy, balance and stability.  It's good for your back too!  

Today we kick-off our Cougarthon! The PHES Cougarthon will be Wednesday, 9/25, this year.  Monies raised will support PTA Projects for 2019-2020. Thank you, PTA, for all you do for PHES Cougars!!  Thank you for supporting this year's PHES Cougarthon. Warrior ON!
#warriorweek #iamawarrior #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamMOVES

Monday, September 16, 2019

Be STRONG on Monday!

Mrs. Broam has declared this week "Warrior Week!" We'll explore how to move your body like a "Warrior" each day. This yoga pose is called "Warrior 1." Bend one leg and stretch the other back. Belly button reaches forward while arms reach high.  Roll the pinkie fingers together, breathe in and out, and hold the position.  This move strengthens your back, shoulders, arms, legs, and ankles. It opens your chest and hips.  It stretches your arms, legs, shoulders, neck, the front of your body, and ankles. It improves focus, balance, and stability! It energizes the entire body!  It encourages circulation and respiration. Be STRONG like a warrior on Monday! #warriorweek #iamwarrior @phes_cougars #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamMOVES

Watch D.O.G.S. on Monday

Thursday, September 12, 2019

PHES PTA Dining Out Night

It's PTA PHES Dining Out Night at Sonic TONIGHT, 5:00-8:00!🍔🍟🌭🍦 I'll be yoga-ing🧘 (I teach two classes on Thursday evenings), but if YOU are available, enjoy an evening at Sonic with PHES Friends to support our learning community.🐾 #mrsbroamhats

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

When You Are SCARED . . .

ALL feelings are OKAY means it's natural to feel them . . . but they don't all FEEL OKAY to feel . . . like when you are scared?!😱  When you are scared, your heart beats faster, your muscles tense up, stomach digestion slows down, your skin gets blotchy or red, the hair raises on your arms, your hands shake, the pupils of your eyes dilate so you get "tunnel vision," your ears experience loss of hearing . . . yuck.  What do you do when you are scared?

Edvard Munch painted.  He painted The Scream in 1893 to express unpleasant feelings, specifically the feelings of terror and confusion.  He PAINTED the feelings.  How can you put your feelings on paper with art?  Use crayons, markers, colored pencils, paint sticks, oil pastels, or watercolors to get out what you feel inside. . . (1) nobody gets hurt (2)nothing gets broken -- It's one thing you can do when you are scared. #managefeelingswell #mrsbroamhats 

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Watch D.O.G.S. Kick-Off

Thank you to the 60+ PHES dads and children who attended our Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) Pizza Orientation tonight!  We look forward to Dads and Father-like Figures volunteering at our school this year.🐶
#weloveourwatchDOGS #mrsbroamhats 

Monday, September 9, 2019

M-o-v-i-n-g on Monday

M-o-v-i-n-g s-l-o-w, but moving on Monday!🐢#mrsbroamhats

Friday, September 6, 2019

Bike-to-School Night

Bike-to-School Night TONIGHT, 6:00-8:00
Bring your helmet and wheels and ROLL ON!!🚲
#ilovePHES #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamMOVES

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Guess What Day It Is?!

We are celebrating the middle of the week and that we only worked one day to get here?!🐪 We are also checking out the "blue-footed booby" bird today!  Ever heard of it?  It lives off the western coasts of Central and South America, from Mexico to Peru.  His blue feet made us smile on Wednesday, and we wanted to share with you!🙂 #mrsbroamhats

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Live Happily Ever After

 "And the moral is: If you ever find yourself in the wrong story, leave."~Mo Willems' Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs -- We are reviewing our school expectations to have the "best stories" in 2019-2020!📚
#mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS