Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Power of a Picture

The March 2015 Prevention magazine has an article on p. 17 about "The Power of a Picture."  According to a study from the University of Exeter in England, "images of people being supported or loved can dial down your brain's threat response."  It makes me wonder if friendly faces might have a similar effect on the amygdala, the brain's threat monitor?  Maybe you should check out "VitaminDB" every school day just to see??!!  Here's a smile for you Thursday!  :-)

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Beast or BEST?

There's only one letter different in these words!  Is that glass half full or half empty?  It's your choice.  We didn't have snow on a "delayed start day" but we got to sleep in a bit!  I'm choosing to smile and wave and BREATHE on Wednesday!

Watch D.O.G.S. on Wednesday

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Only Penguins

Only penguins could enjoy outdoor recess today?!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Lucky Duck Jobs

We are videotaping our "lucky duck" jobs in 1st grade this week!  

Friday, February 20, 2015


STAR, _S_top, _T_hink, _A_ct, _R_eview, is a  protocol to let your little light shine brightly when problem solving.  What exactly is the problem?  What are your choices?  What are the consequences of the choices you can make?  Which is the best fit?  Make a choice!  Reflect on the choice made.  What can you learn from the experience?  SHINE ON Friday!

Watch D.O.G.S. on Friday

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Mitten Weather

"Thumbs in the "thumbs' place," fingers in the middle.  This is the song we sing in Mitten Weather!"  I am thankful for mittens, hand warmers, undershirts, Cuddl Duds, fleece, down, rain paints, stocking caps, scarves, Smart Wool socks, and boots on Thursday!

Watch D.O.G.S. on Thursday

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Moose On the Loose!

In Z is for Moose by Kelly Bingham, Moose does not manage his feelings responsibly .  .  .  Moose and his friend Zebra are back in Circle, Square, Moose!  In this sequel you can explore shapes, conflict resolution and friendship. A good friend can help you when your emotions are BIG and OUT OF CONTROL. 

"There are good ships and wood ships, 
Ships that sail the sea, 
But the best ships are friendships, 
And may they always be."

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Mardi Gras

It's FAT Tuesday!  A day of excess .  .  . how can you incorporate moderation in your life?!  Time, money, food (the need for), space are finite resources--ya only got so much or need so much.  I'm reminded of a family vacation to the Grand Canyon.  Park Rangers advised not putting the camera to your face and then stepping forward to get a better picture .  .  .  one step forward is not going to make that big a difference in a picture of the GRAND CANYON?!  Where are your boundaries?  Do you need to tighten up or let loose?  I'm spending a little time thinking on how to step today.

Watch D.O.G.S. on Tuesday

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Broken Hearted?

My heart head band broke when I tried to put it on yesterday .  .  . and my hands were cold, cold, cold .  .  . I was thankful when Mr. Cook offered for me to "go inside" before time was up on morning duty!
 When you are feeling low, like when your hat of the day lets you down or your fingers are frozen, remember what you can do!  I'm in charge of what I think, where I look, what I say,  how I feel, and what I do.  Here's a movement you can do with your hands:  Interlace the tips of the fingers and fold into center. Touch the thumbs together and stretch downward so the hands form the shape of a heart.  How does this movement make you feel?  Cold hands, warm heart?  Be an active participant in your own rescue!  Happy Valentines Day!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Watch D.O.G.S. on Friday

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Today is President Lincoln's Birthday!

 Today is President Abraham Lincoln's birthday!  Lincoln wore a "StovePipe Hat."
 Elevator breath goes up and down.  It's "tall" like the stovepipe hat.  Breathe into your belly, chest and lift the collar bones.  Lower on the out breath--collar bones, chest to belly.

“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”― Abraham Lincoln

 Look for the happy today.  Take a deep breath to help you find it.  
Maybe it will also help to sing a song?

Watch D.O.G.S. on Thursday

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

I Lift My Lamp

So a parent was sharing with me how her 2nd Grader saw the folks dancing for Liberty Tax Service and said, "Mom, Mrs. Broam could get a job working for them!"  Her 3rd Grade sister overheard the conversation and said, "No, she's not tall enough .  .  ."  But I am tall enough to be a school counselor where I work with the "tired and poor and huddled masses yearning to breathe free!"  A good fit job is one that "employs" your unique qualities, talents and interests.  What will you choose in the world of work?

Here's the book I'm holding!  You are FREE to be AWESOME in any job!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A Visit with Kid President

A Visit with Kid President makes one a LUCKY DUCK!

Do you know Kid President?

Great Weather for DUCKS

Cloudy skies and wet weather are great for DUCKS!  How's the weather inside your body, brain and heart today?  When you need to "dust the clouds off your heart,"  try a movement called "chest expansion."  Reach your arms behind you, maybe you can clasp your hands together.  If not, you can use a hand towel, dad's necktie, or a ruler maybe to meet the hands, roll the shoulders back and down, and stretch the chest muscles.  You can change your internal weather with movements and breathing!  If you want to know more about how to do it, ask Mrs. Broam!

Monday, February 9, 2015

All "DUCKED" Out!

If you make a living loving what you do, you are a LUCKY DUCK!

1st Graders are thinking of LUCKY DUCK jobs this week.  We are matching personal strengths with future job possibilities.

It's worth QUACKING about .  .  .

Here's what my hat looks like!

 I thought you'd get a kick outta the shoes too!
School Counseling is MY LUCKY DUCK job!

Watch D.O.G.S. on Monday

Friday, February 6, 2015

Watch D.O.G.S. on Friday

On Friday, "Cut your LIGHT ON!"

I was a teacher for 5 years, then a library lady for 15 years, and now I'm serving my 4th year as a school counselor.  When I transitioned 4 years ago, I was enLIGHTened by these key ideas:   (1) build relationships and (2) ask questions.  It's really a simple formula that works for most situations!  Ask questions and get to know folks.  Ask questions to find out how to help folks best.  Build relationships with folks who "know more" and ask questions!  Wherever your journey takes you, shine some light on the path:  (1) build relationships and (2) ask questions. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Aware of BEARS

I teach yoga to kiddos and "People Taller Than Me" on Wednesdays.  Yesterday we started a "Sweet Dreams" series exploring the chapter book, Ten in a Bed by Allan Ahlberg and Andre Amstutz.  In chapter one, when Dinah Price goes to her room for bedtime, she finds the three bears in her bed!  What do you do when someone is in YOUR personal space?  What do you do if you find yourself IN someone else's personal space?  USE YOUR WORDS.  Talk to folks, share how you feel and why.  "People Taller Than Me" often tell someone else and the problem gets a little bigger and a little bigger, until it's a pretty big challenge to tackle .  .  .  take a deep breath, and talk it out.  You can do it!  BE AWARE, people need varying amounts of personal space, and tuning in to those needs is one way to show respect.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Let Your COLORS Burst!

We're gearing up for Career Day at PHES!  How will you share your COLORS with the world one day?  A "good fit job" highlights your unique gifts and talents!  You do your best work in a "good fit job."  You are happy in a "good fit job" and can make the world a better place like only you can do!  Let your COLORS BURST on Wednesday.

Watch D.O.G.S. on Wednesday

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Groundhog Report

The Groundhog was SCARED yesterday when he saw his shadow!  All feelings are OKAY.  Even though UNPLEASANT feelings don't feel okay, and we don't like to feel them, everybody feels them.   We have to cope with these scary feelings in a healthy way.  Next time when you are scared, THINK:  If I am never SCARED, I never get the opportunity to be BRAVE!

Monday, February 2, 2015

"You won't like me when I'm ANGRY!"

How do you manage your ANGER?  All feelings are OK, and sometimes we do feel angry.  But how do we work through this unpleasant feeling in a healthy way?  We can:

squeeze clay or stress toy
count to ten
breathe deeply
draw a picture
play with your pet or favorite toy
write about your feelings in a journal
listen to music
talk to a friend

As long as we don't hurt someone, don't hurt anything, and don't hurt ourselves, it's probably an okay way to show anger.

Watch D.O.G.S. on Monday