Thursday, January 31, 2013

An Amazing Animal

This morning I wore my purple octopus hat!  I love having 8 extra helping hands!  I walked in to Mrs. Enright's first grade and they were reading a book about "amazing animals."  The octopus was included in this good book.  What AMAZES you?

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Shop the BOOK FAIR!

The Book Fair is open this week - Tuesday, February 5!  It's a BRIGHT IDEA to shop the STORY LABORATORY! Get your BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS (say this with a "chicken accent") at the PHES Learning Commons!

I wore my THINKING CAP on Monday/Tuesday to have a BRIGHT IDEA and my CHICKEN HAT on Tuesday/Wednesday to encourage shopping for BOOKS (also say with a "chicken accent")!

Shark Week

On Wednesday and Thursday (January 23-24), I wore the shark hat to remember NOT to be a SHARK FRIEND.  A friend who bites, punches and kicks is not the kind of friend you want to hang with .  .  .  we're striving for TEDDY BEAR FRIENDS, those who listen and take care of others.  Friends who help others feel safe are the kinda of friends to be.  

On Friday, January 25, we celebrated SCHOOL SPIRIT DAY!  I wore my SOCK MONKEY hat to remember MONKEY FRIENDS are WILD and CRAZY and sometimes hurt people by accident.  When you are full of spirit, what kind of friends do you still want to be??

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Get Outta Your Shell

I wore my turtle hat today to remind us to "get outta our shells!"  We need to let folks have the opportunity to get to know us.  Everyone is unique and special and can make the world a better place in only the way he or she can do it!  But first .  .  . you gotta GET OUTTA YOUR SHELL.

By the end of the day, it was SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE RACE.  Amazing how we have to build our endurance after a l-o-n-g holiday weekend??!  Get a good night's rest and we'll see you in the morning!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Want a half day of school tomorrow?  Done! Dismissal will be at 11:00.  Lunch is on your own-it's a true "half day," not a Collaborative Day.  Want a day off Friday & Monday?  Let me wave my magic wand again and say a magic word or two and .  .  . YOUR WISH IS GRANTED! Read, play, sing, and dance!  We'll see you back in action on Tuesday, January 22.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

BUGGY Feelings

ALL feelings are OK!  It's what you do with them that can get you in a bit of trouble .  .  .  What do you do with unpleasant, BUGGY feelings?  I wore my "fly hat" today to get folks thinking .  .  .

Monday, January 14, 2013

BIG Week

I wore my BIG cowboy hat today!  It's a BIG week--we wrap up first semester on Thursday, January 17.  It's a half day of school with dismissal at 11:00.  Thank you, Cougars, for a GGGRRReat first half of the year! Looking forward to more BIG, BIG fun during the second half the year.  :-)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Hats of 2013

Rain, Rain, Go Away --I wore my grandma's Umbrella Hat on Wednesday, January 2 -- It was a wet welcome to 2013!  We were so THANKFUL for the SUN on Friday, first outdoor recess day of the new year.  ;-)

Thursday, January 3, -- TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLE stocking cap -- a Christmas Present.  Can anybody make a connection?  I'm still thinking on this one .  .  . 

Friday, January 4, -- MOOSE HAT -- Moose is on the LOOSE.  Ms. A, Mrs. B, and Mrs. C are enjoying sharing Z is for Moose with K, 1st, and 2nd Grade students.  We are practicing "being in control" and  bossing our feelings so they don't boss us.

Monday, January 7 and Tuesday, January 8 -- I wore my stocking cap with the eye hole.  I braved the cold weather and won!

Wednesday, January 9 --  I BEARED the day with a WILD about Learning combo.  The animal print ears came from Disney's Animal Kingdom, I think, and the hat from my mom's treasures .  .  . looked like they go together to me!  

Tomorrow I'll wear a COWABUNGA is THURSDAY hat!

I'll be out on Friday, trying a new adventure. See you MONDAY for more "PHES PUN PHUN."