Friday, March 29, 2019

Frog and Toad on FriYAY

My daughter, Hannah, and I are checking out this show tomorrow:

We are reading Frog and Toad stories to get ready!
Sitting like a frog stretches your ankles, legs, and back.
Sitting STILL like a frog sharpens your focus and ability to concentrate!
#mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS #mrsbroamMOVES #bestillandquiet🐸

Watch D.O.G.S. on Friday

Thursday, March 28, 2019

BRAVO! brAVOCADO! You GUAC my world!

This past weekend I learned about these sweet treats from ladies I taught with 28 years ago!  Yea for the opportunity to share these with folks I work with now.  BRAVO! brAVOCADO! You GUAC my world!  It would be the PITS without you . . . #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS #mrsbroamSNACKS #simplekindnesses

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

KOALAty Effort

BRANCH OUT! Be willing to take risks. #powerskills #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamMOVES

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

One Potato, Two Potato, Three Potato, FOUR

Four SPUDtastic Books

Be an active potato, not a couch one, and check out:
Sometimes we TOTALLY misread others . . . clear up miscommunication by talking, listening and problem solving!  Problems are gonna happen.  Be a problem solver!
Boredom provides the opportunity for CREATIVITY!
Kids can iMaGInE stuff! Kids can swing!  Kids can jump!  Kids can fly! Kids can do ANYTHING!!!
Together is better.
"It's takes YOU.  It takes ME.  Working Together . . . SYNERGY!"
All feelings are okay.  Some feelings are uncomfortable and unpleasant.  The flamingo is sad.
Feel those feelings.  Share them with a friend.  You will find pleasant feelings after experiencing unpleasant ones.😢🙂 #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS #conflictresolutionstrategies #togetherisbetter #allfeelingsareokay

Monday, March 25, 2019

Nibbles, Bites and CHOMPS

Why is it difficult for Penelope Rex to make friends?🦖 Is Penelope Rex a SHARK🦈 friend or a MONKEY🐒 friend? #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS Judy Freeman's Workshops, LLC #animalfriends #goldenrule