Friday, September 29, 2017

Watch D.O.G.S. on Friday

Feeling SUPER on Friday!

Be an active participant in your own rescue!!
#mrsbroamhats #superhero

Thursday, September 28, 2017

"You got your ears ON?"

CB Radios were a big deal when I was young!  You could talk to folks in other cars going down the road, my grandma could talk to my grandpops in between errands~it was the pre-cell phone era, and it was COOL.  When you have your "ears on," it's CB talk for you're listening, tuned in, dialed in, available . . . what else needs to be ON to be a good listener?  Mrs. Broam's ideas include turning OFF your voice and hands and turning ON your ears, eyes, brain and heart! To be a good listener, it's like the HOKEY POKEY~"You put your WHOLE SELF IN!" #mrsbroamhats #childhoodmemories #teddybearfriends

Watch D.O.G.S. on Wednesday

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

SMILE for the Camera!

It's School Pictures Day! #mrsbroamhats #findyourgrin #childhoodtoys

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


When introducing the concept of self regulation, is there a better character than COOKIE MONSTER??  I'm thankful some kiddos still know him.  :-) #mrsbroamhats #childhoodmemories #takeadeepbreath #balanceisbest

Monday, September 25, 2017

Watch D.O.G.S. on Monday


Be STRONG!  On Monday, minimize your Llama Drama! #mrsbroamhats #selfregulation

Friday, September 22, 2017

Watch D.O.G.S. on Friday

Still Feels Like Summer . . .

Happy 1st Day of Fall, Y'all! #mrsbroamhats #stillfeelslikesummer

Thursday, September 21, 2017

a FUZZY Picture of a FUZZY Hat and a SMELLY idea

Thank you, Mrs. Byrd Fort, for cleaning up and sharing your old fun with me!  I LOVE this hat!  We're taking votes: monster? worm? funny? We don't know for sure, but we do know it's fuzzy and colorful and it makes us SMILE!  :-)

When you can't find your smile, we know to LOOK around for ideas of how to find it, but how about SMELL around too?!  I was thinking today of how so many of the yoga students I work with love the LAVENDER clothes at the end of a practice!  It is a relaxing fragrance for many folks.  What do you like to smell?  SMELLS can help us find our happy.  Maybe it's your favorite food, flower, candle or the scent of a favorite place? What your "nose knows" is what I'm thinking about on Thursday?!  Have a fuzzy, smelly, smiley day.  #mrsbroamhats  #yournoseknows

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Learn like your hair is on FIRE!!!

During a Collaborative Planning Day, we learn like our hair is on FIRE!!! We do a WHOLE day of work in a HALF day of time.  The busy morning is followed by a productive afternoon for teachers to work together and ultimately boost instructional strategies and processes as well as encourage communication between job-alike positions in the school and across the district.  Thank you for working so hard today so we could get so much accomplished! #mrsbroamhats #learnlikeyourhairisonfire

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

We all FLOAT on Tuesday!

Like jellyfish, we float on the waves we encounter!  We are only in charge of the responses we make to what happens in the world around us.  

Make "waves" by sitting on your bum and taking knees to the side:
Then push feet to the floor and lift knees,
and drop them to the opposite side!
Go back and forth with the knees to simulate "waves" and float on the calm your create in your body!
#mrsbroamhats #takeadeepbreath

Monday, September 18, 2017

My Favorite Day

“What day is it?" asked Winnie the Pooh
"It's today," squeaked Piglet
"My favorite day," said Pooh
~A.A. Milne
#mrsbroamhats #winniewisdom

Friday, September 15, 2017

Feeling FRUITY on Friday!

Put a song in your heart and a smile on your face before you SPLIT for the weekend!! #singalongwithmrsbroam

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Watch OUT for Watch D.O.G.S.!

Tonight is our KICK OFF for the Watch D.O.G.S. program!!  Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) is a national school volunteer program for dads/father-figures:

We're excited to orient dads new to this program on Thursday, 9/14, 6:00-7:00.  When Watch D.O.G.S. volunteer their time with students, students' academic performance, self esteem and social behaviors improve!  Thank you for supporting a program worth BARKING about~Let me know if you have questions or need more information. 

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Guess What Day It Is??


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Teddy Bear Friends on Tuesday!

Be a Teddy Bear Friend on Tuesday! Teddy Bears or other special toys or blankets we attach to make us feel safe and secure.  We feel more comfortable hugging on these and that feeling is the one we want to share as a Teddy Bear Friend.  Listening well and helping others are two ways we can be Teddy Bear Friends.  Teddy Bear Friends make it so we can learn the most in a school day!  This is the "Animal Friend" that makes the world a shinier, happier, healthier place to be!  Be a Teddy Bear Friend on Tuesday!  #mrsbroamhats #animalfriends

Friday, September 8, 2017

"Bike to School" Night

PTA sponsors "Bike to School" Night from 6:00-8:00 tonight!  PHES families are encouraged to bring bikes, skates, scooters, wagons, and HELMETS.  The fun will take place in the school's front parking lot!

Here's Mrs. Broam pedal laughing!  It's a great way to strengthen the core of your body.  Lie on your back and "ride your bike!"  Laugh as fast as you pedal!  Pedal s-l-o-w-l-y and laugh low and slow . . . speed it up and it sounds like this:  Be safe and ROLL ON into the weekend!

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Sneaky Snakes

Snake Friends are sssssssneaky.  They may take things that don't belong to them.  The often don't tell the truth.  They are prone to tattle and are sssssssometimes nice and sssssssometimes mean . . .  Do you want to be friends with a Snake Friend??? #mrsbroamhats #animalfriends

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

BONK!! Shark Friends

When I was a child, I remember watching the game show "Family Feud."  When contestants didn't give a correct answer, a big red X flashed with a BONK sound.  Today we "BONK!!" Shark Friends!  Shark Friends bite, kick, punch, etc.  They leave a mark in a not so good way . . .

Here's a better picture of the hat of the hat on my head today!  Watch out for Shark Friends on Wednesday, and DON'T BE ONE!!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Monkey Business

Monkey Friends are not in control of their bodies! They sometimes hurt others, but not intentionally . . . Take a deep breath, self-regulate and be safe.
#mrsbroamhats #animalfriends #monkeybusiness

Friday, September 1, 2017

All Feelings are OK!

But the way we express the feelings may NOT be okay . . . like Moose's choices in Z is for Moose by Kelly Bingham!  "Okay" ways are those where (1) no one gets hurt & (2) nothing gets broken.  Some ideas include:  take deep breath, sing a song, listen to music, draw a picture, talk to someone, play with pets, play with toys, move your body

How do YOU turn an unpleasant feeling around? #mrsbroamhats #selfregulation #breathe