Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Curiouser and Curiouser


How did Mrs. Broam get IN the Easter basket?  HOW did she get OUT???!  Are you curious?  Curiosity releases dopamine~dopamine helps you find your happy.  Ask questions!  Don't worry so much about the answers as the investigation and exploration.  It's all in the looking👀  #mrsbroamhats #curiouserandcuriouser #dopaminemakesyoufeelhappy @phescougars

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Tell or Tail?


To Tell or Not to Tail??  Is somebody getting hurt?  TELL -- Is something getting broken?  TELL -- If you answer these questions with a "no" . . . it's a tattle.  Can you TAIL the difference? #mrsbroamhats #hoppyeaster @phescougars

Monday, March 29, 2021

Hop On Happy Kid Habit #5


Turn on your LISTENING EARS!!! #mrsbroamhats @phescougars

Friday, March 26, 2021

Diaphragm Diagram


Breathe like a crocodile to find your diaphragm!
Where Is My Diaphragm? (6:34),
Diaphragm Diagram (2:06) #takeadeepbreath #mrsbroamhats @phescougars

Thursday, March 25, 2021

An OKAY Breathing Technique, Right at Your Fingertips!


Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Breathe and Influence


How is your breath influencing?  How is your breath being influenced?  When YOU are breathing deeply and steadily -- others will too!🧠  #thinkabouthat #mrsbroamhats @phescougars

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

There are so many colors in the RAINBOW!


Where do you feel these colors in your body? (4:45)
Red=strong and stable, Orange=strong and vibrant, Yellow=balanced and powerful, Green=loving and kind, Blue=peaceful and calm, Purple=bright and strong #somanycolorsintherainbow #somanycolorsintherisingsun #somanycolorsintheflowers #ifeelEVERYone #mrsbroamhats

Monday, March 22, 2021

Time for a Magic Carpet Ride?


ANY time is the right time for one! (9:05) #mrsbroamhats #sitstillandquiet @phescougars

Friday, March 19, 2021

Under Construction


Build Your Breath for "Architecture and Construction" Career Cluster: (2:04) #mrsbroamhats #careerday2021 @phescougars

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Choose to Be Brave No Matter the Weather


Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


Celebrating GREEN-ness today!☘ #mrsbroamhats

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Feeling Fuzzy


Feeling fuzzy when you start the work week on Tuesday?  Take a deep breath to clear your head! #takeadeepbreath #mrsbroamhats @phescougars

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Pot of Gold #3


It's been one year. Rest and breathe. Take a moment to pause and reflect. S-l-o-w down and calm your monkey mind! Maybe take a magic carpet ride: "Let's Go on a Magic Carpet Ride!" (9:05) #takeadeepbreath #coronatimes #maketimeformentalflossing #mrsbroamhats

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Pot of Gold #2

I MUSTACHE you a question?  When taking a deep breath, did you know a full exhale is as important as a deep inhale??! It begins a domino effect when your exhale comes up short. The incomplete exhale represents a partial contraction of the diaphragm which reduces the space in the chest.  Reduced space in the chest limits how much the lungs can expand.  Less expansion for the lungs results in less oxygen with each breath so more breaths are needed per minute to make up the difference, which can lead to hyperventilation! Don't get out a paper bag . . . but rather concentrate on breathing slow through the nose and low into the belly, allowing your shoulders and chest to relax. Focus on increasing your exhalation! Maybe even "sigh" it out as you empty the breath! I'd like to post more, but I MUSTACHE?! #dashingofftomaketheworldabetterplace #goforthegoldinsideofyou #takeadeepbreath #mrsbroamhats

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Making Music in March


ShamROCK ON in March!!🎵♩🎵♩♪

Thank you for sharing music EVERY month of the year, Ms. McGowan!  #musicinourschoolsmonth #GratitudeTuesday #favoriteteacher #mrsbroamhats @phes_cougars

Monday, March 8, 2021

Pot of Gold #1


Looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?🌈  YOU ALREADY HAVE IT!!  It's in your ability to breathe deeply.👃 I am learning about ways we breathe incorrectly to learn how to do it right.  Did you know many folks breathe with their chest, moving shoulders up and down?  They don't breathe deep into the belly, working their diaphragm.  This especially happens if you tend to hold your belly in!  Place your hands on your belly, relax it and move it with your next inhale. Then expand the sides of your body, lift your collar bones as you sip in more air.  Go for the GOLD inside of you with a good, deep breath. #mrsbroamhats #takeadeepbreath

Thursday, March 4, 2021

This is the Way!


What do you learn from Baby Yoda?  I learn to practice self-control . . . it's not always a good idea to eat everything that crawls, hops, or hatches??🐸🐛🐞🥚 #thisistheway #mrsbroamhats #alwayslearningsomethingnew #thecutenessisstrongwiththisone

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Yay for YETIs!


"Books Knock Our Socks Off" today at PHES!!  Here's some of my favorite about yetis: 

  • Are We There, Yeti? by Ashlyn Anstee -- Here's a song to go with the good book!
  • No Yeti Yet by Mary Ann Fraser
  • Yeti and the Bird by Nadia Shireen
  • How to Catch a Yeti? by Adam Wallace
  • Bedtime for Yetis and The Thing About Yetis by Vin Vogel
#mrsbroamhats #ReadAcrossAmericaWeek @phescougars

Tuesday, March 2, 2021



ZZZZ-ZAP!  Zap negative and unhealthy thoughts! Use the "Zapper" button on your self-control remote control:  

ZAP -- "I will only be happy if everything happens the way I think it should."  👍 THINKING -- "I can be happy, even when things go wrong."

ZAP -- "If someone doesn't agree with me, they probably don't like me."  👍THINKING -- "Good friends disagree sometimes."

ZAP -- "If I blame things on other people, it will make me seem better."  👍 THINKING -- "If I take responsibility for my mistakes and say 'I'm sorry,' it will make me feel better about myself." #mrsbroamhats

Monday, March 1, 2021

Stretch and Strengthen Your Chicken Cheeks


or your hound dog heinie, gnu wazoo, guinea pig buns, giraffe back half . . . 🐔🦆🐧🐝🦏🦒🦘🦃🦩 #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamMOVES