Friday, January 31, 2020


Ready for the snacks and commercials on Sunday?  Chew on this advertisement today:  We are working Marco Products' Peace Walk Conflict Resolution Mat!
You stand on the ends of the mat and walk to the middle, solving a problem well along the way.
When you reach agreement and resolution . . .
You shake hands and SMILE!  TOUCHDOWN!! It's a goal you want to score.🏈 #mrsbroamhats #conflictresolution #nobodygetshurt #nothinggetsbroken

Watch D.O.G.S. on Friday

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Right Fit Jobs

 When Mrs. Broam worked at the pizza restaurant . . . 
could she wear a silly hat?  Could she read books to children?  Could she sing, "There are NO Bananas in the Sky?"🎶 #rightfitjob #mrsbroamhats

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

One Hundred

This 100-year-old lady wishes you a HAPPY 100th Day of School! #mrsbroamhats

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Love and Logic Parenting Class Begins TONIGHT!

Join Ms. Arnette and me for Parenting the Love and Logic Way!  This six week curriculum will help you raise responsible children who will become responsible adults.  We'll practice doable strategies and have some fun too.  Tuesdays, January 28-March 3, 6:00-8:00 -- childcare is provided.  We'll have morning sessions beginning tomorrow,  January 29-March 4, 8:00-10:00.  Thank you for joining us when you can! #mrsbroamhats #LoveandLogic

Monday, January 27, 2020

Feelin' Foxy

 "Feelin' Foxy" and it's not even Friday!
Pretend to be a fox with your body! Build abdominal and lower back strength with this spinal balance challenge! Because you are working on balance, you can improve focus and coordination skills too.  Begin with your knees under your hips and hands under shoulders.  Extend one arm in front of you.  If you feel balanced, extend the opposite side leg, pressing through the heel.  Squeeze your tummy and welcome the wobble!!  If you'd like to strengthen one arm and one leg at time to build strength and save putting it together for later, that'll work!  Make sure you work the opposite arm and leg as well. You too can feel foxy on a Monday (or any day)!🦊 #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamMOVES

Sunday, January 26, 2020

The POWER of Sleep

Thank you for sharing your family with Family Yoga at PHES!  We learned about the power of a good night's rest and how it helps you fuel up to perform your Lexington District One POWER SKILLS every day!  The Sleep Foundations recommends 9-11 hours of rest each night for Pleasant Hill Elementary Cougars.  Sleep gives you energy, provides time for healing and GROWTH!

We took deep breaths to begin!

Then we warmed our bodies

  by moving like the sun

and moon!

Next we read and moved with a good book!  It was tricky to find the right bed . . .

When the pig went to bed, the cow was in was in pig's pen, but then . . .
 the hen was in the cow's bed??!

The horse was in the chicken coop??!

The sheep was in the horse's stall . . .

After finding the right bed and resting well, we had energy to work our POWER SKILLS!

We PERSEVERED to twist a Warrior 1 Pose.

Working a boat with a partner or a seesaw . . .
provided opportunity to practice COLLABORATION and INTERPERSONAL SKILLS.

WHOO! WHOO! The hoot of owls means evening and bedtime.

Time to rest!

"It's time for bed, little mouse, little mouse.  Darkness is falling all over the house."

"Namaste is what we say to the good in you from the good in me!"

You can nibble cookies to think about the phases of the moon.🌚🌛🌜🌝

We packed the Nilla Wafers to go to extend the lesson at home!🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘🌚 #welovePHESfamilyyoga💛💚

Friday, January 24, 2020

Dance Your Heart OUT!

Over $5,000 was raised for the American Heart Association!!  Dance, PHES Cougars, DANCE!
Thank you so much, Related Arts Staff! I'm sorry I didn't gets pics of the dance party.  It was a lot of fun~🙋#mrsbroamhats

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Olaf Loves Warm Hugs and Yoga!!

"How 'bout you?!"⛄

 Building a snowman!

 Olaf gives warm hugs!

 Olaf gives LOTS of warm hugs!🤗

Triangle Pose for Frosty's Magic Hat🎩

Come yoga with Mrs. Broam on Sunday, January 26, at 3:00 in the P.E. Room.  Bring your mat or beach towel and wear your comfy clothes.  We'll think about the POWER of a good night's rest and the Lexington One POWER SKILLS! #poweryoga #sleeptight #dreamon #Lex1PowerSkills #mrsbroamhats

Watch D.O.G.S. on Thursday

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

POWER UP With a Good Night's Rest

Pleasant Hill Elementary Pre-Kindergartners, Kindergartners, 1st and 2nd Graders, what time should you be in the bed at night???!!!😴
When you POWER UP with a good night's rest, you can do quality work on your POWER SKILLS during the day!!  Come to FAMILY YOGA on Sunday, January 26, 3:00-4:00, in the P.E. Room.  I'll have the door closest to the track open for your family!!  We'll learn about the benefits of good sleeping habits as we explore Lexington One's Power Skills through YOGA!! #familyyoga #itisFREE #Lex1PowerSkills #studentphotographersmakemegrin #mrsbroamhats Pleasant Hill Elementary School

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Heart Full of LOVE (and Logic)

Ms. Arnette and I "took our show on the road," once again, and shared about the Love and Logic Parenting Classes we'll begin NEXT WEEK at PHES!  Thank you for listening, Lexington One Middle School Counselors! If you need information on how to participate in the six weeks of learning: call 821-2806 or email
Friday is our American Heart Association Dance During Related Arts!  Coach Burriss says we've already reached our goal in donations, but I'm sure your dollars would continue to be appreciated.😍 Thank you for giving so generously!

Mr. Zan Tracy Pender, Director of Lexington One Counseling and Advisement, posted this quote for the week:  "All hearts are the same color. No matter what size, shape, color, or nationality, all people have a heart that needs care."~180 Days of Character by Donna B. Forrest

#heartsfulloflove #LoveandLogic #AmericanHeartAssociation #begenerous #mrsbroamhats

Friday, January 17, 2020

Mindfulness vs. Monkey Friends

Monkey Friends are too wild and crazy!  They have trouble keeping their hands (and tails) to themselves.  They often hurt others, but never ever mean to . . . Monkey Friends, take a deep breath, s-l-o-w down, and be more mindful of what you say and do! #monkeyfriends #animalfriends #teddybearfriends #mrsbroamhats

Thursday, January 16, 2020

WHOO Will You Be?

WHOO will you be when you grow up?  We're beginning our career exploration today!  PHES Career Day will be Wednesday, March 25😄 #iamstilltryingtofigureitout #mrsbroamhats

Watch D.O.G.S. on Thursday

Wednesday, January 15, 2020


Are you the "hippo with the block" or the "crocodile who dances uphill?" What do you need to let go?  How can you help a friend today?
"Some people think that friends are always happy.   Well that's not true - friends often have hard times and sad times.   But friends can come together again and again and build a stronger and stronger friendship between each other."~Mister Rogers

Watch D.O.G.S. on Wednesday