Thursday, June 25, 2020

Fill, Thrill, and Spill

Let gratitude fill and thrill you and spill out in kindnesses shared with others!  You can change the world.🌎 You can put the EXTRA in ordinary!🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵 #mrsbroamhats @PleasantHillElementary #ithoughtiswasablueberrypie #itwasablueberrymuffin #idonotownamuffinhat🤣 #StoriesforSharingWithMrsBroamThursdaysat2

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Penguins Fly on Thursday

When you work together, you can make all kinds of miracles happen???! #synergy #workingtogether #technicalparts #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS #StoriesforSharingwithMrsBroamThursdaysat2 

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Rootin' for Robots

Mrs. Broam's at the beach, but we can still ZOOOOM!🏖

FACT: Mrs. Broam is at the beach!
OPINION: The beach is a great place to vacation . . . Mr. Broam's opinion is different than Mrs. Broam's on this . . . 

"By ignoring the opinions of others, we can hurt their feelings . . . when we respect the opinions of others, we can all GET ALONG."

Thank you for sharing this gift with me today! "Reading aloud and listening to someone reading aloud can be a great way to tune in to the present moment and bring our mindfulness practice to life."  The article from June 2020 Mindful also shares how reading aloud can improve comprehension and memory!!  Yay for reading aloud together on Thursdays at 2:00 this summer! #StoriesforSharingiwithMrsBroamThursdaysat2 #mrsbroamREADS #mrsbroamhats @PleasantHillElementary

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Be Kind

 Today's ZOOM Stories were about sharing kindness!
How can you be kind today? #mrsbroamhats #bekind #StoriesforSharingwithMrsBroamThursdaysat2

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

When a Goat Eats Your Roses . . .

or your hat . . . watch the clouds!⛅ You'll feel RELAXED: comfortable, safe, and quiet😊 Here's the YouTube if you want to have the fun again:  ZOOM Yoga Time -- When the Goats Eat Your Roses -- #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS #mrsbroamMOVES #YogaTimewithMrsBroamTuesdaysat10