Monday, October 31, 2011

Have BATTY Monday!

Say "BOO to Cancer" and be safe while you're out and about celebrating Halloween!

Cool or Uncool?
Wear a big brother's costume that is too big. UNCOOL
Wear a mask or make up? MAKE UP--it's COOL to see and be seen while Trick or Treating!
Have your parents check over your treats. COOL
Use a flashlight or wear a glow in the dark necklace. COOL
Participate in a Harvest Festival, Hoedown, Trunk or Treat, etc. COOL
Go out without your parents (or other adult supervision) UNCOOL
Wear reflective tape on your costume. COOL
Eat ALL your candy in one night! UNCOOL

Friday, October 28, 2011

TEAM UP Against Drugs!

Wear RED Day!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

LOOKING for Leaders

Monday, October 24, 2011

Getted SPOTTED Making Healthy Choices

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Happy Red Ribbon Week!


Monday, October 24
Wear your polka dots so everyone can "spot" you making good choices to stay healthy and smart.

Tuesday, October 25
Wear your funny sunglasses! We are looking for leaders who make good choices to stay drug free.

Wednesday, October 26
Crazy Socks
Day! Faculty and students will wear their most decorative socks to show everyone that they will be brave and walk away from drugs. "Sock it to Drugs!"

Thursday, October 27
Wear Red Day! We wear red to show we are strong and choose to be drug free.

Friday, October 28
"Team Up to Stay Drug Free!" Wear your favorite team colors and team up with good friends.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Today I wore my Pumpkin Head hat and shades . . . again . . . it's the first "repeat" day . . . I got to school WITHOUT my turtle costume . . . Oops! I'll be "slow and steady" on Friday, 10/21 . . . in more ways than one . . . Happy Weekend!


Today I'm wearing my 2nd Grade Halloween Costume! YES, I still HAVE my 2nd Grade Halloween Costume. It's a great turtle one my mom and I made with a book, Easy Costumes You Don't Have to Sew by Chernoff. I love the way this "get-up" helps me to remember that "Hard Work and Perseverance Bring Reward." Check out Janet Stevens' version of The Tortoise and Hare" to remind your family of this valuable lesson.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Dictionary Parade

Yesterday, 3rd Graders shared a "Dicitonary Parade" with fellow PHES Cougars! My son was "optimistic!" His definition was "a person who always stays on the bright side." His application in a sentence: "The manager was optimistic when they lost the World Series, 99-0" . . . He dressed up as a "sunny-side up" egg!

I wore my "pumpkin head" hat and the "pumpkin head" sunglasses Mrs. Mitchum recently purchased for our school counselors (along with my "pumpkin head" earrings, "pumpkin head" shirt, and bright orange pants). My word--"goofy!" :-)

Here's some more more words that are my FAVORITES:


You are a fan of some specific words too, I bet?? Please share!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Happy Pig Day!

Friday I wore my pig mask that OINKS when you mash the snout! I am celebrating Mo Willem's new "Elephant and Piggie" book, Happy Pig Day!. The PHES Learning Commons has four copies of this brand new book, and you'll most likely have to put it on hold . . . Elephant and Piggie are popular with ALL Cougar Readers! In this story, Piggie and friends celebrate PIGS. It's a book worth OINKING about . . . check it out when you can!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


I love that Katy Perry song, "Firework!" Now, I'm not one to trust folks with blue hair . . . but the lyrics to this song are pretty cool for remembering how you are the only one and UNIQUE YOU!
You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine
Just own the night like the 4th of July

'Cause baby, you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth . . .

As you shoot across the sky
Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst

I really like the idea of letting "your COLORS BURST!" Be you. Be glad to be you. You contribute in your special way, with your one-of-a-kind talents and abilities, to making this world a better place!

So I wore my colorful clown hair today (maybe you can't trust me . . . ) to celebrate the idea --"I'm glad that I am ME!" Let your COLORS BURST!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Our State Fair is a GREAT State Fair, Don't Miss It! Don't Even Be Late!

Visit the SC State Fair October 12-23, 2011! Just make sure you do it after school hours . . . :-)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Parade of Nations @ 7:45

I wore my J's BIG SOMBRERO to celebrate all the children of the world today! Thanks to the English Speakers of Other Languages who decked out in native costumes and paraded the halls of Pleasant Hill Elementary this morning. We traveled the globe but didn't have to leave campus!

I have a parent/teacher conference to attend in the morning. Friday and Monday are both STUDENT HOLIDAYS! Look for the next hat on Tuesday, October 11.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

FALL is in the AIR

Yesterday afternoon I took a walk with Ms. Andis! She commented, "Isn't it something? Even if you had amnesia and were just "dropped" here, you'd know it's fall. You can just smell it!" FALL is in the AIR. Enjoy the smells, sights and sounds of a new season!

My favorite story about fall is Silly Sydney by Morgan Matthews. I would love to share it with you. It's an old one, an out-of-print goodie that my mom shared with her first graders for many, many years. And because it was one of her favorites, it became one of mine! Funny how that works . . . share a good story with someone you love (or at least like just a little) today!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Get SPOTTED Having Fun with Your Family!

Today I wore my SPOTTED top hat and SPOTTED pants! I shared the card game "SPOT IT" to anyone who'd listen! I even talked a couple folks into playing a game. :-) Mrs. Goodman introduced me to this fun game. It's simple and for the whole family. My 5 year old Lyddie May enjoys playing! Try to play the demo to get an idea of how it works:

Get SPOTTED having fun with your family!