Tuesday, April 30, 2013

What else can you do?

What else can you do than watch a screen?

Ride a bike?  I wore my helmet today to celebrate that option!
How about read a book?
Hang out with friends (original FACE time)!
Draw a picture
Jump rope
Hula hoop
Play dough

What other ideas?  Please share your thoughts.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Happy Screen-Time Awareness Week!

Thanks to the families who came out to PHES on Sunday afternoon for a "family vacation" and kick off for National Screen-Time Awareness Week!  There's lots of fun you can have that doesn't involve a SCREEN .  .  .  Today I did some Poetry Breaks sharing Shel Silverstein's "Jimmy Jet and His TV Set."  It's important to have BALANCE in your life (Happy Kid Habit #7)!

Last Friday was School Spirit Day!  We appreciate you wearing your green and yellow.  I'm thankful and proud to be a PHES Cougar!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Feelings are Indicators

NOT Dictators! P. 40, Unglued by Lysa TerKeurst

Today I wore the Moose hat to remind about Z is for Moose by Kenny Bingham!  Bossing your feelings IS in your Circle of Control.  ALL feelings are OK.  No feeling is right or wrong.  It's what you DO with the feeling that can be tricky .  .  .  NEVER (1) hurt anyone, (2) hurt anything, or (3) hurt yourself.  You CAN write or draw about it, BREATHE, move your body, play it out with toys, or talk it out with a grown up you trust.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Never Saw THAT Coming . . .

Today I wore the silly hat that looks like an arrow is going through your head!!  Really "no point" to it but to be a little silly!!  We could remind ourselves about the CIRCLE OF CONTROL.  We're only in charge of OUR RESPONSES to what happens every day.  :-)  Breathe, S-T-R-E-T-C-H, and Strengthen to GROW!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I wore my Jester Hat today!

Smile and laugh on Tuesday!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Thank you for supporting SMILE TRAIN!

We enjoyed our 7th annual Mini Marathon on Friday!  Thanks to Mr. Cronin's leadership, kiddos raised enough money to sponsor 39 surgeries this year!!  Donors for Smile Train matched these gifts and tripled the giving to equal over 100 surgeries.  That IS something to smile about for sure! :-)

Although I couldn't find my railroad whistle, I wore my engineer cap today and sported the red 2009 Mini Marathon t-shirt (my favorite) today.  YEA for the 2013 Mini Marathon!  Thank you for supporting PHES, good health practices and SMILE TRAIN.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


and when you jump in the water .  .  . watch out for who might be swimming there already .  .  . had fun wearing my SHARK HAT today!  Make SMART and SAFE choices today.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Circle of Control on Fancy Hat Friday

I wore a "fancy" hat on Friday, April 12.  I also had fun hula hooping at dismissal to remind folks about WHO is in your circle of control!  ONLY YOU--you control YOUR thoughts, feelings, and actions--YOUR responses to the world around you.

Happy National Library Week!

I'm wearing past Summer Reading Library Shirts this week!  I'm having fun matching a hat with past themes:

Monday, 4/15 -- "Step to the Beat--READ"
I wore my Uncle Sam Stars and Stripes hat.

Tuesday, 4/16 -- "Once Upon a Time"

Wednesday, 4/17 -- "Catch the Reading Bug!" I wore my critter hat.  This worked well for sharing "buggy feelings" today too. :-)

This year's theme is "Dig Into Reading!"  http://www.statelibrary.sc.gov/summer-reading-2013

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Wolf is NOT so BIG and BAD . . .

It might be your OVERACTIVE imagination?!!  Is the fear REAL or IMAGINED?  Talk to someone you trust to help you figure out the difference.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

No Joke?!

Put a smile on your face today--a little laughter will lift your spirits!

Crazy Little Monster Monday

Welcome Back to School!  Hope you had a WONDERFUL Spring Break!