Friday, May 29, 2020

Celebrate ALL the Ways to Be Smart

All the Ways to Be Smart by Davina Bell and Allison Copoys ~ "Smart is not just ticks and crosses, smart is building boats from boxes . . .  Smart is kindness when there's crying . . . Feeling scared but taking chances . . .  Smart is asking How? What? Why? . . . And nobody will ever do the very same smart things as you." Celebrate your SMARTs on FriYAY! #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS #ouryearinreview @PleasantHillElementary
May is #mentalhealthawareness month!

Thursday, May 28, 2020

There's Gonna Be PROBLEMS!

There's Gonna Be PROBLEMS!  We are PROBLEM-SOLVERS!  Today I'm wearing my "Thinking Cap!"🧠

Solving problems well is inside our Circle of Control!  We will solve problems in ways (1) Nobody Gets Hurt (2) Nothing Gets Broken

We have many choices!

 In today's story, 

we see examples of saying "I'm sorry" when it's appropriate and 
 compromise or "meeting in the middle."
 Compromise is the opposite of tug of war!  Everybody works together to find a solution where each gives up a little to gain a lot.
Mrs. Broam practiced solving problems as she worked at school today!  We can do it💪 #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS #conflictresolutiontools #ouryearinreview 

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Prickles or BLOOM?

When you are a TEDDY BEAR FRIEND, you are the BLOOM on the cactus NOT the prickles.  A TEDDY BEAR FRIEND takes care of others.  A TEDDY BEAR FRIEND listens and helps others feel safe.  For example, when you are out and about and wear your mask, you are being a TEDDY BEAR FRIEND.   How can you share kindness today? #animalfriends #bekind #mrsbroamhats #ouryearinreview @PleasantHillElementary

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Building Patterns and Listening Skills

Today we explored more "building patterns!"

Thursday we read this story together and discovered how some stories and songs are shared by adding a line, adding a line, and adding another line.

We did a yog-a-long sing-a-long with "There's a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea!"

Next we practiced our building pattern with our listening skills!

Ears ON -- Ready to Listen!  No, not quite . . .

Ears ON, Eyes ON -- Ready to Listen!  No, not quite . . .

Ears ON, Eyes ON, Brain ON -- Ready to Listen!  No, not quite . . .

Ears ON, Eyes ON, Brain ON, Hands OFF -- Ready to Listen!  No, not quite . . .

Ears ON, Eyes ON, Brain ON, Hands OFF, Mouth OFF -- Ready to Listen!  No, not quite . . .

Ears ON, Eyes ON, Brain ON, Hands OFF, Mouth OFF, Heart ON -- Ready to Listen!  YES! 

#mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamSINGS #mrsbroamMOVES #YogaTimeWithMrsBroamTuesdaysAt10 #readytolisten #ouryearinreview

Friday, May 22, 2020

When You Don't Know

When you can't figure out why you are down, not yourself, out of sorts . . . it's okay.  I know it doesn't feel okay.  We don't look forward to it when it happens.  But it happens.  And when it does, we can sit with the uncomfortable feelings.  They are itchy, scratchy, wormy, squirmy . . . but they will move on.  Think of this experience as a visitor, they'll hang out for awhile and then be on their way.  If the visit is a l-o-n-g one, ask for help. You'll soon feel up to hopping again soon.  I love how a children's book can help untangle tough topics like this one! Hop-hop-hurray for What's Up, Maloo? by Genevieve Godbout! #mrsbroamhats #Amazonjustdeliveredmyhat #mrsbroamREADS #mentalhealthawareness #helpsomeonetoday

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Mrs. Broam's Ohana

Thank you for being a part of Mrs. Broam's Ohana!  "Ohana can include not just parents, children, brothers, sisters, but also neighbors, visitors, and friends old and new." 

Today at our ZOOM Stories for Sharing, we explored "building stories." Ohana Means Family is a patterned story where one line is added and then repeated as in This is the House that Jack Built or "There's a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea."  It works like the remembering game, "I'm going to Grandma's house, and I'm packing an APPLE.  I'm going to Grandma's house, and I'm packing an APPLE and BANANA."

What other building stories or songs do you know? We enjoyed singing this one together today!

"It is through a shared meal that we come together as a family."  We learned about this dish in our story today!  What do you like to eat? Chinese food, Cuban food, PIZZA, watermelon and cantaloupe!

Members of my Ohana make me laugh!!🤣 I have sunshine on my head and IN my heart.💚💛💚💛💚

It's a juggling act to work a camera and work the paddles for our closing song, but I wanted to capture your voices, PHES Cougar Readers!  Your life will make a difference when you read, rEaD, READ! #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS #MentalHealthAwareness #connectwithsomeonetoday

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Maybe Today

 "Elba had a big block.  She'd been dragging it around for a long time."
 "It made her walk slowly.  It made her think darkly.  It was heavy."

"I'll always have this block you know," said Elba.  "Yes, maybe you will," said Norris.  

"But I will help you carry it sometimes." ~Maybe Tomorrow? by Charlotte Agell #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS #MentalHealthAwareness #helpsomeonetoday

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Live Happily Ever After

Today we yoga-ed with Goldilocks and other fairytale and folktale friends! ZOOM Yoga Time -- Live Happily Ever After with YOGA -- #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamMOVES

Monday, May 18, 2020

Don't Duck Your Mental Health

May is Mental Health Awareness Month in the United States!  Mental Health Awareness Month was established in 1949 by the Mental Health America organization (formerly the National Association for Mental Health).  Health is more than what is happening in our physical bodies.  What happens between your ears is important too.  Sometimes our thoughts get tangled, and we need help sorting out thinking, untangling our thoughts.  The Centers for Disease Control report one in five children and adults have a diagnosable mental, emotional, or behavioral disorder.  However 80% do not receive mental health services, the greatest barrier being the stigma associated with receiving treatment.  Mental Health America of South Carolina has a great curriculum for dispelling negative perceptions of mental health issues for students. I also found a great book about persevering when you can't figure out something everybody else seems to know how to do . . . hang in there!  Don't DUCK your mental health!🦆 #mrsbroamhats #perseverance #Lex1PowerSkills #mentalhealthawareness

Also from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

Be Kind to Your Mind
Tips to cope with stress during COVID-19
PAUSE.Breathe. Notice how you feel
TAKE BREAKSfrom COVID-19 content
MAKE TIMEto sleep and exercise
REACH OUTand stay connected
SEEK HELPif overwhelmed or unsafe

Friday, May 15, 2020

Breathe Out Your Horsey Lips

RELAX!  It's Friday!!!  Breathe out your 🐴horsey lips: As you stay home, make time to BREATHE and RELAX.  These tools help you move out of your UPSTAIRS brain into your DOWNSTAIRS one!  The DOWNSTAIRS brain is where you do your best thinking and make your best decisions.🧠  #mrsbroamhats #takecareofyou #mentalhealthawareness #emotionalregulation #finishstrong #wecandoit

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Jolly Counselor

The Jolly Counselor read The Jolly Postman or Other People's Letters by Janet and Allan Ahlberg on the ZOOM Storytime today!
Over 30 PHES Cougars tuned in to hear!!

If you have not received a letter and School Spirit Stick from Mrs. Broam, it's coming soon via YOUR mail carrier!  Stay connected while you stay at home! We'll ZOOM again on Tuesday at 10:00 for Yoga with Fairytale and Nursery Rhyme characters!!  #mrsbroamhats #keepintouch #mentalhealthawareness #emotionalregulation #takecareofyou #knowfairytales #knownurseryrhymes

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Wonderful Water

Today I'm a jellyfish!  I am thinking about the importance of WATER!  One way you can take care of yourself while you stay at home is drink WATER!  Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water to work properly!  It may not be the most pleasant thought, but when you go to the bathroom, if your urine is clear or light yellow, you are hydrated -- you are drinking enough water!  If it's darker yellow, you are dehydrated and need to drink more water.  You can get some water from the foods you eat!  Fruits, vegetables (like watermelon, tomatoes, lettuce), and soups help you hydrate.  Keep a reusable water bottle handy and fill it with tap water! To jazz up your water, add slices of lime, lemon, cucumber, or strawberries! When you're feeling hungry, try drinking water first.  You may really be thirsty . . . Maybe set up a schedule to drink water?  A small glass at the beginning of each hour?  Or maybe when you wake up, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and bedtime?  Water makes up more than half your body weight.  Jellyfish are 95% WATER!  Jellyfish don't have brains, but you do!!! Use yours to DRINK WATER and be the BEST VERSION of YOU today!! #mrsbroamhats #jellyfisharesimplecritters #drinkwater #stayhydrated

Need more info? and

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Active Adventures OUTDOORS

Welcome to Yoga Time!  It's our Zoom Yoga on Tuesdays at 10:00! Today we considered one of the ways we can stay healthy while at home is to get outside every day!  We can be active: ride a bike, go for a walk or run, jump on a trampoline, and work in the garden while we breathe fresh air!

Begin with deep breaths!  Sit up tall or stand, fill your body with air and then exhale and let the breath go.  Breathe in and out deeply at least three times.

 Warm up your body by moving like the sun:

 Stand strong and solid like the mountain on this year's PHES Adventure Awaits t-shirt!

Hike the mountain and challenge your brain by bringing opposite knee and elbow together.

Breathe with a tree!🌳

Be a flower!🌻

Be a butterfly!🦋

Ride your bike!🚲

Be a bug!

Time to rest.

"Namaste is what we say to the good in you from the good in me!"🙏

Bye, Yogi Friends!👋

Other ways to stay healthy and safe while home:
sleep well
stay hydrated
stay connected
keep a daily routine

FINISH STRONG the 2019-2020 school year!  You can do it! Your parents can do it too! #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamMOVES #YogaOnTuesdaysAt10 #getoutdoors #beactive