Tuesday, September 30, 2014

We did it!

We did it! I was a little sad to say goodbye to my adventures in Chicago. Then I remembered something my Hannah said when she was a little girl. "I'm sad when I get to the end of a good book, but then I'm glad because I get to start reading a new story!" Looking forward to turning new pages . . .

 An up close look at my blue sparkly certificate!

Got balance?

Here's one of the tricks I learned this weekend!  Can you balance a peacock feather on the tip of your finger?  Practicing balance sharpens focus and concentration skills.  You have to be paying attention to the task "at hand" to git 'er done!  You wobble and move about, but your brain is zeroed in on the challenge.  This is how we approach our tasks at school.  We focus, concentrate, and git 'er done!  There are plenty of distractions  .  .  .  but we stay with the current job, getting stronger and smarter with every effort.  Got balance?

Thank you, Watch D.O.G.S., on September 30!

Thank you, Watch D.O.G.S., on September 26!

Thank you, Watch D.O.G.S., on September 25!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Unicorn IS Great!

Unicorn Thinks He's Pretty Great by Bob Shea is my favorite book today!  
How COOL to remember "what's cool" about being YOU!  
I'm off to Chicago for training!  I'll wear my next silly hat on Tuesday, September 30.  

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Watch D.O.G.S. on Tuesday

"Hello, everybodyee!"

Who remembers Grover?  Not many children know "Sesame Street" like we did once upon a time!  The Monster at the End of this Book starring Lovable, Furry, Old Grover by Jon Stone was my FAVORITE childhood story!  What is your favorite book?  
Books make me happy.  If you need a smile, crack open a good book!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Flamingo Fun on Monday

Highlighting a good book today!  Flora and the Flamingo by Molly Idle is a wordless book about getting along with others.  You tell your own version of this story about conflict and resolution and how friendship is a dance!
You can fly like a flamingo by squeezing your tummy and stamping a pretend footprint on the space behind you.  Reach the arms forward or back and FLY!

Watch D.O.G.S. on Monday

A Watch D.O.G.S. shares . . .

Matt Rawl shared about serving as a Watch D.O.G.S.: "Thanks for having me! It was a really neat experience. It touched my heart. If I didn't have a full time job, I would do it daily. I loved to see them smile!"

Friday, September 19, 2014

Watch D.O.G.S. on Friday

Rockin' N Rollin' @ Skate Night

Thank you for the "thank you" fun tonight, Pleasant Hill Elementary PTA!  In appreciation of families supporting the Boosterthon, PTA sponsored an Ice Cream Social and Skate Night.  The parking lots were set up as a roller rink.  Children enjoyed bikes, scooters, skates--all kinds of fun on wheels!  The weather cooperated, and it was a BLAST!  Thank you for celebrating TEAMWORK at PHES tonight.

Watch D.O.G.S. on Thursday

Thursday, September 18, 2014

PHES PTA Dining Out Night

Meet at SONIC, 5:00-8:00 pm!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Guess What Day It IS?

Guess what day it is?  Guess WHAT DAY IT IS?!


Watch D.O.G.S. on Tuesday

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Picture Day

"You never know how you look 'til you get your picture took!"  
Thank you, "EB in PB," for those words of wisdom.  
Smile BIG for the camera today, PHES Cougars!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Moonpie Monday

It's Moonpie Monday!  It's gonna be SWEET!

Try moving your body into a "half moon" pie!  Holding your body in this position strengthens, stretches, and develops balance, coordination and self confidence.  Travel to the MOON and BACK on Monday!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Watch D.O.G.S. on Friday

Friday, September 12, 2014

Watch D.O.G.S. @ Fun Run

Today at the Boosterthon, Watch D.O.G.S. were high fiving the runners!
We know your hands are numb .  .  . thanks for the encouragement!
Pledges currently total $42,900--WOOF!

You've got to MOVE IT, MOVE IT!

Today is the Fun Run!  Rock OUT, Cougars!
See you tonight for ice cream and fun on wheels.  Bring your skates and bikes and let's ROLL!

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Today at school we EXERCISED our MINDS!  
Tomorrow at the FUN RUN, we'll EXERCISE our BODIES!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Rock On!

Today we celebrated our Boosterthon!  We're closer to our goal everyday.  Please consider making a pledge for the Pleasant Hill Elementary Fun Run on Friday!  Go here to learn more and pledge: https://funrun.com/a/s/vxRbTqhl  The fundraiser encourages fitness, leadership, and character.  I wasn't the only one "rockin' out" today!  PHES Cougars, YOU ROCK!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

"Just Right" Tuesday

It's BABY BEAR Day!  Everything is JUST RIGHT.  
When it's TOO hot or TOO cold, find a way to feel JUST RIGHT.  Maybe a "Bear Walk" will help?  A "Bear Walk" uses large muscles and involves folding the body.  These movements calm and stabilize.  

Monday, September 8, 2014

Great Weather for DUCKS!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Just Keep Swimming

"Just Keep Swimming!  That's what we do.  WE LOVE TO SWIM!"  Today we reminded ourselves how this is our workplace.  We may not like everything about our jobs, but it's what we do!  Overall our work is pretty cool, as the smile on this Pleasant Hill Elementary School Cougar shows.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Watch Out for Watch D.O.G.S.

Tonight we kick off our Watch D.O.G.S. Program -- Dads of Great Students!  Thank you to all the dads, granddads, and father-like figures who'll spend time with Pleasant Hill Cougars this year.

You can move your body like a dog stretching!  
 It's wonderful for your back, legs and whole body.
 Feeling frisky?!  Try "flipping your dog!"
Spending a little time upside-down everyday, gives you a different perspective in many ways!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Bird, Bird, Bird

You can move your body like a bird to be stronger and build stamina!  You'll also improve focus and concentration skills.  FLY AWAY today!
STORK -- balance on one foot, lift the knee and your "wings!" 
FLAMINGO -- balance on one foot, reach back with other leg and stamp a footprint on the space behind you.  Your body forms a capital "T."  Squeeze your tummy muscles to help with balance!
EAGLE -- Entwine your arms and your legs!  Lift the elbows, bend the knees.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Put on your THINKING CAP!

It's "MONDAY" on TUESDAY!  Put on your THINKING CAP.  It's the first day of the work week, but it's TUESDAY.  Guess what day that makes tomorrow?