Wednesday, November 30, 2011

HOP into MONKEY Business!

My family purchased "animal hats" at the Charleston Market on a recent visit to the Low Country. Tuesday, I wore J's "Monkey Hat" for "Don't MONKEY around! Get Your Work Done!" and today I wore Lyddie's "Bunny Hat" for "HOP to it!"

It's been a GGGGRRRReat November!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Have a great work week! NO LION! Thanks to my Aunt Misty and Uncle Dave for the cool "lion hat" for my birthday. I can see lots of possibilties with reinforcing "honesty" with this new hat. Lots of good ideas worth ROARING about. :-)

Saturday, November 26, 2011


I LOVE "2 Day Work Weeks!" I LOVE HOLIDAYS! I hope you are enjoying your holidays! Our family has enjoyed good food, sitting on the porch, taking a walk, going for a bike ride, hanging together, working in the yard, reading, camping, canoeing, straightening up some clutter, moving some furniture, hanging some pictures, doing some school projects . . . maybe it wasn't just a "2 Day Work Week???!"

It's been fun to have a different routine, and it makes me excited about the next "3 work weeks" . . . WINTER HOLIDAYS are COMING SOON!

Friday, November 18, 2011


Reminder to schedule some “Family Fun!”

When: Sunday, November 20, 3:00-4:00

Where: PHES Learning Commons

What will we do?? Come have some fun moving, reading, and playing with Mrs. Broam, one of our PHES School Counselors. We’ll dig into stress reduction and anger management techniques as we play.

Why: Families that spend time together create wonderful Cougar Learners!

Cougars are HAPPY!
Cougars are HEALTHY!
Cougars are TERRIFIC!
We BLAST anger!

We BLAST stress!
We have TOOLS, specific:
Breathing, Strengthening, Stretching, Relaxing,

Cougars git 'er done!
Cougars are FANTASTIC and
Cougars know how to have FUN!


Boy, did we need the rain! And there was a little wind yesterday morning too . . .

Who Has Seen the Wind?

Who has seen the wind?
Neither I nor you;
But when the leaves hang trembling
The wind is passing through.
Who has seen the wind?
Neither you nor I;
But when the trees bow down their heads
The wind is passing by.

Christina Rossetti

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


"When in doubt, READ!!!"

Reading creates flexibility in thinking!

Readers are GGGGRRRReat problem solvers!

Readers have shared a variety of view points, vicariously resolving many conflicts--sometimes in "A Okay" ways, sometimes not . . .

I'm THANKFUL for BOOKS! Here's two new picture books I love:

My Heart is Like a Zoo by Michael Hall, great for similes for experienced readers and fun illustrations with zoo animals created from heart shapes for all ages!

Back to School Tortoise by Lucy M. George, a great compliment to First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg and a fun twist on the final page! I didn't see it coming . . . see if you do?? I love the illustrations in this simple and sweet, sweet story. Also great for discussing control of our "what ifs?!"

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Mrs. Clark brought her very own veteran to the ceremony on Friday! Thank you, Mrs. M-C, for planning the meaningful program!


On Thursday, November 10, I was able to finally make use of a Statue of Liberty costume I bought at a going out of business sale several years ago . . . I wore it ALL DAY! It was such a hopping day, I didn't get to change after crosswalk duty . . . what a GGGGRRRRReat problem! I celebrated FREEDOM all day long.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Did you ever know that YOU'RE MY HERO?!

I'm THANKFUL for . . . HEROES!

Thank you for being mine! You are my HERO when you turn your work in on time. You are my HERO when you say kind words and think kind thoughts. You are my HERO when you use your hands for helping and not hurting.

You don’t need a cape to be a superhero!”
This is a quote from the great book, Thank You, Sarah: The Woman Who Saved Thanksgiving by Laurie Halse Anderson. What a fantastic recount of the lady who petitioned for the Thanksgiving Holiday to be National Holday for decades! “Never underestimate dainty little ladies.” Sarah Hale was also the author of Mary Had a Little Lamb as well as a magazine editor and mom to five. I also love this quote: “Super Heroes work their hardest when things get tough.”

BE A SUPERHERO! You don't need a cape . . . although I did have fun wearing mine today!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

3 NEW Picture Books 2 Know

These three books were new to me! I’m not sure if they are NEW . . . but they are definitely worth knowing and sharing with someone!

One by Kathryn Otoshi
What a GREAT story for discussing individualism, bullying, courage, cooperation . . . It’s an amazing, simple tale that can touch on so many concepts so gracefully. The simple illustrations of the colors and numbers are perfect to support the nuggets of wisdom enclosed.

Stars by Mary Lyn Ray
EVERYBODY could use a star in their pocket! A beautiful, poetic story of dreams, wishes, and hope:

A star is how you know it's almost night.
As soon as you see one, there's another, and another.
And the dark that comes doesn't feel so dark.
What if you could have a star?

Perfect Square by Michael Hall
What a FANTASTIC story to remind us to make lemonade when life hands us lemons! I love the way the square thrives on the challenges, needs them to grow! I would love to see what children might create with their own square . . . good to do some movement with this one too. Perfect Square is PERFECT. Michael Hall writes another book, My Heart is Like a Zoo -- I can’t wait to check it out! I have a feeling it will steal my HEART too.

Make Family Time a PRIORITY

The day I posted about gratitude for my family, Itty Bitty Lyddie (my kindergartner) brought home a Lexington School District One "Early Years" publication including tips for making time for family:

Include Everyone--Find activities adults and children can do together!

Plan Outings--Check out the newspaper or online sources for free or low-cost family activities. Put it on the calendar. Make an appointment to be with your family.

Stay In--Have fun together without going anywhere at all! Try a sing-a-long, READing books or magazines, origami, magic tricks, cupcake decorating . . .

Fall Leaves and Good Friends

I'm THANKFUL for . . .

Color of Fall Leaves--Saturday I was driving home from Greenville (SC School Counselor Association annual conference was Thursday-Saturday). It was BEAUTIFUL! It was a sunny afternoon, a great day for a drive, and I was appreciative of the colors of the fall leaves.

Friends--I am so thankful for the folks we can call friends! Those that listen, help us sort through our thoughts. Those that lending a helping hand and are there to celebrate too!

Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert--a leaf man's gotta go where the wind blows! Be inspired to put together your own "fall leaves" creation!

Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf by Lois Ehlert

Hunter's Best Friend at School by Laura Elliot--bring out the best in YOUR friends!

Elephant and Piggie Stories by Mo Willems are GREAT for exploring friendship!

George and Martha by James Marshall and Frog and Toad by Arnold Lobel--these stories are classics. Great to explore how a couple of friendly hippos and amphibians solve a friendship problem or two.

Mitchell is Moving by Marjorie Sharmat -- Who wouldn't want a friend who cared as much as Margo?

“Use your gray matter.” Read Bink & Gollie by Kate DiCamillo and Allison McGhee

Too Many Frogs by Sandy Asher--"It's FROGGIE!" And I love the way he reminds us, life is better when we're TOGETHER, even if that may be a little messier that way . . .

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Family Ties

I'm THANKFUL for . . . my family!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tis the Season to be THANKFUL!

Celebrate THANKSGIVING in November! I'm THANKFUL for . . . PHES!