Did you ever know that YOU'RE MY HERO?!
I'm THANKFUL for . . . HEROES!
Thank you for being mine! You are my HERO when you turn your work in on time. You are my HERO when you say kind words and think kind thoughts. You are my HERO when you use your hands for helping and not hurting.
You don’t need a cape to be a superhero!”
This is a quote from the great book, Thank You, Sarah: The Woman Who Saved Thanksgiving by Laurie Halse Anderson. What a fantastic recount of the lady who petitioned for the Thanksgiving Holiday to be National Holday for decades! “Never underestimate dainty little ladies.” Sarah Hale was also the author of Mary Had a Little Lamb as well as a magazine editor and mom to five. I also love this quote: “Super Heroes work their hardest when things get tough.”
BE A SUPERHERO! You don't need a cape . . . although I did have fun wearing mine today!
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