Thursday, October 31, 2019

BOO to Drugs

Shake Dem Halloween Bones . . . rain or shine?!⛈🌞 #BOOtoDrugs👻#SendaMessageStayDrugFree #RedRibbonWeek2019🎀 #HappyHalloween🎃 #mrsbroamhats😊

Watch D.O.G.S. on Thursday

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Crazy Sock Day

Sock it to UNHEALTHY Choices!!🧦 #SendaMessageStayDrugFree #RedRibbonWeek2019 #mrsbroamhats

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Watch D.O.G.S. on Tuesday


"Ask yourself this question in the morning when you wake: in a world of possibilities, today, what will you make?" As we celebrate Red Ribbon Week, we wear RED to be RED-Y for a healthy, drug free lifestyle! Think about all there is to do and be that can only be accomplished when you are healthy and strong! "Ask yourself this question as the sun begins to fade: in a day of making choices, are you proud of what you made?" #SendaMessageStayDrugFree #RedRibbonWeek2019 #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS

Monday, October 28, 2019

Watch D.O.G.S. on Monday

"Don't Go BACON My Heart!"

"I couldn't if I FRIED?!"  It's Red Ribbon Week!  We read The Good Egg by Jory John during our preparations.  Practice Self-Care Strategies as you make EGGcellent, Healthy Choices!  Choose Drug Free ~ BONK on Smoking! BONK on Medicine that is NOT your Medicine!  BONK on Alcohol before 21 years of age!  Be a GOOD EGG this week and ALWAYS! 🥚#SendaMessageStayDrugFree #RedRibbonWeek2019 #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Shakin' Dem Bones on a Sunday

Thank you for Shakin' Dem Halloween Bones on a sunny Sunday afternoon!🌞

We tuned in with a singing bowl for today's practice!

COMMUNICATION is giving and receiving messages!  It's a like the back and forth movement of a teeter totter.⚖

Tom Thumb is a small character, no bigger than his daddy's thumb.  He makes us think about "Palm Calm" as a tool for calming and relaxing:

We COLLABORATED, worked well together, in our double warrior pose!

 Let YOUR hair hang down like Rapunzel in an L handstand!

We are WILLING TO TAKE RISKS with balancing half moon yoga posture!

 "Shake, Shake, Shake Dem Halloween Bones!"🎵

 We rested.

 We pretended to visit a Halloween Costume Store!

What Halloween Costume will you choose?🎃

Friday, October 25, 2019

I've Got My EYE On YOU!

👁Let me SEE you busy at work, making quality choices on Friday!👀 #mrsbroamhats

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Get Your Shine On!

When  a jack-o-lantern smiles, the light inside shines for all to see!🎃  Let your light shine on Thursday! Shine brightly as you turn challenges into opportunities. Get your shine ON so the world🌎 will be brighter, shinier, and a better place for all.🌟 #mrsbroamSHINES @PHES #itseemsfashionabletoMrsBroam🤣 #mrsbroamhats

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

When You Are SCARED?!

Make friends with your fears . . . it worked for Bear?! 🕷🕸🐻 "Everyone gets scared sometimes.  Next time you're scared, remember how good it feels to be brave.  If you're not scared first, you never get the chance to be brave."~Shy Spaghetti and Excited Eggs by Marc Nemiroff and Jane Annunziata
#allfeelingsareokay #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS 

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Shake Dem Halloween Bones

Family POWER Yoga is this Sunday, 10/27 @ 3:00 in PHES P.E. Room.  We'll use the entrance closest to the track.  We'll Shake Dem Halloween Bones as we explore the Lexington One Power Skills.🎃 It'll be a Monster Mash UP and fun for the whole family!👪 #iloveyoga🧘 #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS #mrsbroamMOVES @PHES

Monday, October 21, 2019

Give a Hoot for Little Hoot

Little Hoot wants to go to bed, but he's an OWL and OWLS stay up late . . . make sure you get good rest each night! Rest is when your body refreshes, repairs, and GROWS! As we prepare for next week's Red Ribbon Week celebrations, "WHOO! WHOO!" is taking good care of themselves with a good night's rest?🦉 #giveahoot #sleepwell #happyOWLoween #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS @PHES

Friday, October 18, 2019

A Snoring Sloth on Siesta shares . . .

Sprinkle some quiet time in your day!😴
"Legs Up the Wall" Benefits:
reduces edema in legs and feet
relieves tired leg muscles
super calming for the nervous system
quiets the mind
better focus
shift in perspective
reverse the effects of gravity on the whole system
help regulate blood pressure
help improve digestion
aids arthritis, anxiety, headaches, insomnia, mild depression, varicose veins
stretches hamstrings, front torso, and back of neck
helps keep you young and vital, anti-aging effects
relieves mild backache
improves problems of eyes and ears
#sitstillandquiet #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS

Thursday, October 17, 2019

This thought is YUMMY and "FREE!"

Even when you get mooshed and smashed, you still taste GREAT!🥑
Whatever challenges you experience today, remember you are building flavor, I mean character!😜
Fresh Avocados or FRE SHavocados??!!🥑🤣
S-t-r-e-t-c-h, strengthen, and play with your food!
#mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS #mrsbroamMOVES

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Sidney was a squirrel who did not want the fall season to come.  During fall, squirrels need to collect nuts for winter. Sidney tried to stop the season from coming by putting leaves back on his tree with tacks, string, glue, ribbons, and gum!  But the cold weather came . . . Sidney realized he HAD to collect nuts.  When you avoid or look for a short cut, sometimes you work HARDER than SMARTER!  Remember your "Circle of Control" -- "I'm in charge of what I think, where I look, what I say, how I feel and what I do!" -- and "MY business is ENOUGH business to keep me BUSY!"🍂 #readytogotowork #workSMARTERnotHARDER #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS

Watch D.O.G.S. on Wednesday

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

More, More, More for Monsters

Blue Monster wants more, more, and MORE stuff until he realizes "more" doesn't make him happy?👾 Where do you find "happy?". . . in healthy relationships with your friends and family!  Connect with others on Tuesday! #teddybearfriends #enoughisenough #balanceisbest #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS

Monday, October 14, 2019

Go With Flo!

Flo is a panda that never gets in a hurry?!  How can you s-l-o-w like Flo?  Take a deep breath as you pause to ponder with the panda!🐼 Go with Flo to GLOW!🌟 #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Season to Learn

As the leaves fall, what are you learning?  I learned about "Pre-macking Schedules" this week!  It's the idea of sandwiching the "hard-to-do" task in between two tasks you are more comfortable and confident about accomplishing! It makes a tougher thing to do a little easier when you just had a good thing happen and another good thing will happen next.  Add pre-macking schedules to your toolbox!  It helps you balance and be strong in ALL SEASONS🍁❆⚘🌞

This yoga pose is called balancing half moon. From a standing position, step your right foot back while opening your hip out to the side.  Tilt forward, place your left hand down in front of your left foot while simultaneously lifting your right foot.  Open your hips and extend your right arm up to the sky.  Align your shoulders over each other and open your chest.  This pose strengthens the thighs, ankles, stomach, and bum.  It stretches the chest, shoulders, torso, spine, hamstrings, and calves.🧘
#keeponlearning #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamMOVES

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Ferris Wheel Fun at the Fair

The State Fair is HERE!  Schedule your visit ( to the South Carolina 150th State Fair, October 9-20, 2019!  Breathe like you are riding the ferris wheel!🎡 Inhale to the top of the ride, exhale as you lower.  Match your in-breath and out-breath. Breathing relaxes you and increases your energy! #scstatefair #takeadeepbreath #mrsbroamhats

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Leaves Let Go and So Should YOU!

As pumpkins GROW and leaves LET GO . . . ponder what you are holding on to that you need LET GO?!  It could REAL STUFF . . .
Mrs. Broam delivered three boxes of STUFF to Mission Lexington today!  But it could be something harder to put in a box and move on . . . a memory or something you believe?  Something not true that you are holding on to, and it no longer serves you well? To GROW, you gotta LET GO!  That's what I'm thinking about on Tuesday.🤔 #letgoandGROW #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS

Monday, October 7, 2019

Ready for BIG FUN on Monday!

Have a WHALE of a day today! #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS

Friday, October 4, 2019

Watch D.O.G.S. on Friday

R.A.I.N. to SHINE on Friday!

R = RECOGNIZE your thoughts and feelings
A = ACCEPT these (ALL feelings are OK--they don't all feel OK, but it is okay to experience unpleasant thoughts and feelings)
I = INVESTIGATE -- Why are you thinking what you are thinking?  Why are feeling the way you feel?
N = You are NOT your thoughts and feelings. These are a part of you.  These are temporary.  These will pass.  R.A.I.N.☔ to SHINE🌞 on Friday! #bestillandquiet @Pleasant Hill Elementary #bestronginyourbodybrainsandheart #mrsbroamhats

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Be the LION on Thursday

The dog chases after every bone . . . but not the lion?!  The lion focuses and concentrates on capturing the meal! Consider the distractions in your life?  Are you using up valuable, limited resources and energies on the DISTRACTIONS?! Go for the MEAL, not just any ole bone, on Thursday!  ROAR!🦁 #bestillandquiet @Pleasant Hill Elementary #bestronginyourbodybrainsandheart #mrsbroamhats

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Take a Break on Wednesday

Take a "Five Breath Vacation!"
Thank you, Martha Belknap's Stress Relief for Kids! I took many "mini" trips to Edisto Beach today.🌞🌊🏖🧘🙂 #bestillandquiet @Pleasant Hill Elementary #bestronginyourbodybrainsandheart #mrsbroamhats