Monday, February 29, 2016


The "G" in GRIT is for G-R-O-W-I-N-G! My "corny" idea of the day is to start small, add a little water, sunshine, and sweat equity to whatever project you're tackling, and you'll experience GROWTH!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Taking Flight on Friday

We're thinking GRIT--Growth, Resilience, Integrity, Tenacity--as we take flight on Friday!  You're grittiness is directly related to your success!  Try to be an airplane to strengthen your GRIT:
Feel your foot grow roots that stretch deeply into the ground, evenly tip from the hip, and reach your belly button to the floor.  Lift the other leg, toes to the floor, and feel as if you are stamping a footprint in the space behind you.  Your wings could be to the back, side or in front of you!  Squeeze your tummy muscles, breathe and FLY!

Watch D.O.G.S. on Friday

Thursday, February 25, 2016

If I only had a brain?!

Having fun with "gray matter" on Thursday!  Did you know you have 70,000 thoughts a day?  Think about it .  .  .

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wet and Windy on Wednesday

It was a wet morning and a windy afternoon on HUMP DAAAAAY!  I observed folks trying to use umbrellas during arrival to school .  .  .  the challenge reminded me to "go with" the wind not "fight against" it.  When your resist, you cause yourself unnecessary grief?!  Be kind to yourself on Wednesday and search for a path with less resistance.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

When resolving a conflict . . .


Monday, February 22, 2016

"Happy Birthday, George!"

My family visited Washington, DC during the Winter Break, and we visited Washington's Mt. Vernon on Christmas Day!  I was inspired to learn more about the first president of our United States.   I'm on page 715 of 817 pages!  I'm listening to it mostly on CDs checked out from the public library.  There's a lot to learn from the life of George, and I'm having fun sharing these ideas through YOGA!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Watch D.O.G.S. on Friday

Twinkle, Twinkle

Shine BRIGHTLY on Friday!  Are you a STAR Problem Solver?  There will be problems, so here's a strategy that may work for you:

S -- STOP -- Take a deep breath and identify the problem.

T -- THINK -- What are ALL your choices?  What will happen when you make these choices?

A -- ACT -- Select a choice with the best consequence for you and DO IT.

R -- REVIEW -- Evaluate how the decision worked.  Would you choose the same choice in a similar situation?  How would you tweak your thinking next time?


Wednesday, February 17, 2016


We are braying about I Yam a Donkey! by Cece Bell, a Judy Freeman pick of the year!  PHES second graders know when you have a problem with someone, you can't EAT them .  .  . but if you have a problem with a VEGETABLE, that's another story, or rather, that's THIS story!  

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

This is MOOSE!

We are completing Career Day Projects in 2nd Grade this week!  YOU CAN BE ANYTHING you want to be in the world of work!  What job matches your skill set and interests?  Are you willing to complete the training or education to prepare for it?  Like a moose could be a astronaut, a giraffe could be a doctor, a grandma could be a lacrosse goalie, a duck could be a film director .  .  . okay, maybe no, not like that at all .  .  .

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Catch the Love Bug on Thursday!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Watch D.O.G.S. on Wednesday

Be a Teddy Bear Friend!

Teddy Bears help us feel safe and secure.  They are available and "ready to listen" .  .  . As we approach Valentines, look for the bears!  Teddy Bears help us share love.  Be a Teddy Bear Friend!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Snake Friends

Snake Friends are sneaky .  .  . they take things that don't belong to them and often s-t-r-e-t-c-h the truth.  They will tattle on others and are sometimes nice and sometimes mean.  Do you want to hang out a Snake Friend?

Friday, February 5, 2016

Jump Rope for Heart Day @ PHES

Your heart beats about 100,000 times in one day and about 35 million times in a year. During an average lifetime, the human heart will beat more than 2.5 billion times.  --"Amazing Heart Facts,"

Every day, the heart creates enough energy to drive a truck 20 miles. In a lifetime, that is equivalent to driving to the moon and back.

QUESTION:  How can you Take Care of Your Heart?
ANSWER:  Eat Well, Get Exercise, Reduce Stress

Thursday, February 4, 2016

"Books to CROW about!"

Having fun reading books recommended by Judy Freeman,!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

"Books! Books! Books!"

I learned about many, great new "Books! Books! Books!" yesterday with Children's Books Troubadour, Judy Freeman (  I can't wait to turn some pages with you SOON!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Hop to it!

Here's an unFROGetable Broam Book Break for Monday: