2020 in Hindsight
What are the blessings you discovered in 2020? In her book Onward, Elena Aguilar discusses the benefits of finding the "bright spots!" When you look for the light in 2020, what do you see? The charms on this bracelet explore some of the Broams' Blessings for 2020. It's a bangle and a yoga practice all in one.🧘
Mermaids🐠 -- Like a mermaid, we "lost our legs" and had to move in new ways! What did you do in a new way that was surprisingly a better fit for you. Our family established a 6:30 dinner time that seems to bring more of us together consistently each evening. That's an unexpected blessing I've truly appreciated.
From a tall seated position, bend the knees and let the lower legs and feet stretch to one side. Twist the tall body in the direction of the feet to admire your beautiful mermaid or merman tail! Change the direction of your legs and try the stretch on the opposite side to examine the tail from this point of view as well.
Camera📷 -- What photos did you snap in 2020?
Sit comfortably and be still and quiet and you review your memories of this past year, like clicking through the digital photos on your camera roll. Sit for 30 sec, 1 minute, 3-5 minutes or more!
Stories📖 -- I've read so many books and binged movies and tv shows too. What characters did you enjoy? What did you learn? What made you laugh? Which were most satisfying and you would share?
Still seated, now with feet together, use the thumbs to open your feet like the pages of a book. Press the thumbs on the soles of the feet and move in circles. Give yourself a little self-care, foot massage.
Feet👣 -- Did you exercise in 2020? I was able to get more walking in -- I walked over 500 miles this year! Only 11 walking miles were logged pre-pandemic (early March) . . . We also biked and paddled. I yoga-ed and exercised in the water too. I've missed group fitness experiences, but it's been good to be on the move and have the time to do it.
Roll through your seated position to work some cat/cows. From table position, find downward facing dog and pedal the feet to stretch the backs of your legs.
Tree🌳 -- I enjoyed being outdoors! For social distancing, we learned it was the best way to visit. When J's goats were born, I had a couple friends bring lawn chairs! It was fun to chat and be outside together.
Walk your feet to meet your hands in forward fold. Walk your hands up your body to stand tall and set up for Tree pose. Choose one foot to balance on! Grow roots into the ground with the foot, really feel the floor. Take the other foot and prop it on top of your balancing foot or press like a kickstand to the ankle. You could also bring up to the low leg or thigh. Just don't press on the knee joint. Lift your arms to reach your branches high! Every time you wobble, squeeze your tummy tighter. Try it on both sides of your body.
Joy -- Joy is more than happy. Joy can be experienced in sad or difficult moments too. Our church continues to flourish online. It's difficult not to be together as a church family on Sunday mornings, but ministry continues despite the restrictions of the pandemic. Thank you to Pastor Stephen who produces "Word for Wednesday" videos now, and Deacon Deborah who creates church "take out" boxes with activities for VBS, Advent, 12 Days of Christmas, and other special occasions. My family appreciates the new ways we feel joy.
Breathe of Joy is also called "orchestra breath!" Take three sips of breath in and finish with a BIG exhale: https://sites.google.com/site/mrsbroam/home/breathing/breathofjoy
God's Got This--Trust God -- He did and He does, and He will continue to do so. How do you see God at work? My husband and I have spent more quality time together. I think we're gonna be okay when all the birdies fly . . . one did escape in August. We are proud of Hannah and are thankful she has a new job in a place she is happy to live. God is GOOD. All. The. Time.
Work Triangle pose for God the Father, Son, and Spirit. Feet on railroad tracks, take one toe to the side. Put a comfortable amount of space between feet and stretch arms out like crossing a capital letter "T." Breathe in as you reach over the pointy toe, roll down with that arm and reach high with the other. Engage your core, don't just hang in the pose. Try it on both sides of the body.
Unicorn🦄-- What is ONE thing you are looking forward to -- today, tomorrow, or in the new year? Establishing ONE thing creates hope. Hope fuels you for all that is to come. Be thankful for the bright spots of 2020 and look forward to the light of the new year too!🌞
We'll finish with Warrior 1 posture. Feet back on railroad tracks, take one leg forward and one back. The forward leg bends, the back leg extends. Thread your fingers together and extend your arms overhead for your unicorn horn. Hold for three-five breaths before working the other side of the body.
Enjoy your zipaDeeBee Bracelet -- a yoga practice on your wrist! Want to try more? Check out: https://sites.google.com/site/zipadeebee/resources/baublesandbangles #zipaDeeBeeBaublesandBangles