vitamin db
Friday, November 30, 2018
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
What Kind of Friend is Zebra?
In the story Z is for Moose, Zebra is a "teddy bear friend!" He is patient and kind to Moose, even when Moose loses control and goes a little beserk?! It's not easy to be a "teddy bear friend" when others are challenged by BIG FEELINGS. Give friends some space and then walk along side of them when they are ready for you. 💙💚💛💜 #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS #teddybearfriends #takeadeepbreath #itsnotaboutyou #bethebestversionofyoutoday
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
There's gonna be PROBLEMS?!!
S-t-r-e-t-c-h the neck of your giraffe TALL,
then straighten your forward leg, squeeze your tummy, square your hips, and r-e-a-c-h your giraffe's neck l-o-n-g . . .
and d-o-w-n . . . even when a problem is GIRAFFE-SIZED, there is a SOLUTION! Look for a way to solve problems where (1) nobody gets hurt (2) nothing gets broken #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS #mrsbroamMOVES #thankyouMimi
Monday, November 26, 2018
Do you have your Christmas Tree up yet?
"We breathe in what they breathe out, they breathe in what we breathe out, SO, every time you see a tree remember to take a deep breath and share with that tree."~Global Family Yoga's "I Am a Tree"🌳Lesson Plan #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS #takeadeepbreath #movetoyourdownstairsbrain #bebalanced #befocused
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Rest Your Turkey Legs!
"Legs Up the Wall" Benefits:
-reduces edema in legs and feet
-relieves tired leg muscles
-super calming for the nervous system
-quiets the mind
-better focus
-shift in perspective
-reverse the effects of gravity on the whole system
-help regulate blood pressure
-help improve digestion
-aids arthritis, anxiety, headaches, insomnia, mild depression, varicose veins, menstrual cramps, PMS, menopausal symptoms
-stretches hamstrings, front torso, and back of neck
-helps keep you young and vital, anti-aging effects
-relieves mild backache
-improves problems of eyes and ears #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamMOVES #gobblegobble #happythanksgiving 🦃
Monday, November 19, 2018
Friday, November 16, 2018
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Sweet As Pie
Pie can be SWEET and sometimes EASY!
Life can be BITTER and sometimes HARD . . .
You are NOT ALONE! When the going gets tough, the tough get BREATHING! When you take deep breaths you move to your thinking brain. When you are calm, you can better think about what to do next. Maybe you need to talk to someone about what is challenging you? Maybe it's time to go for a walk? Maybe you should try to sit still and be quiet for a little while. There's gonna be PROBLEMS, but we are PROBLEM SOLVERS! #mrsbroamhats #sweetaspie #easyaspie #problemsaregonnahappen #beproactive #mrsbroamREADS I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie by Alison Jackson