Rain, Rain, Go Away --I wore my grandma's
Umbrella Hat on Wednesday, January 2 -- It was a wet welcome to 2013! We were so THANKFUL for the SUN on Friday, first outdoor recess day of the new year. ;-)
Thursday, January 3, -- TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLE stocking cap -- a Christmas Present. Can anybody make a connection? I'm still thinking on this one . . .
Friday, January 4, -- MOOSE HAT -- Moose is on the LOOSE. Ms. A, Mrs. B, and Mrs. C are enjoying sharing Z is for Moose with K, 1st, and 2nd Grade students. We are practicing "being in control" and bossing our feelings so they don't boss us.
Monday, January 7 and Tuesday, January 8 -- I wore my stocking cap with the eye hole. I braved the cold weather and won!
Wednesday, January 9 -- I BEARED the day with a WILD about Learning combo. The animal print ears came from Disney's Animal Kingdom, I think, and the hat from my mom's treasures . . . looked like they go together to me!
Tomorrow I'll wear a COWABUNGA is THURSDAY hat!
I'll be out on Friday, trying a new adventure. See you MONDAY for more "PHES PUN PHUN."