Thursday, May 31, 2012

Happy 5th Grade Graduation Day!

I wore my oversized graduation cap and gown today to celebrate with the PHES 5th Grade.  These are the students who helped us open the school 6 years ago!  What a special day and wonderful celebration.  Best wishes to these students as they "journey across the parking lot" to attend PHMS next school year!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Yesterday I wore my J's Goofy hat so today will be "don't be CRABBY!" It was a "Monday on a Tuesday" yesterday & that is always a "goofy" way to start a work week!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Don't Be CRABBY--it's Tuesday!

I still have sand between my toes from a wonderful weekend at Edisto Beach!  Hope you enjoyed your Memorial Day Holiday.  Today is a full day of Leadership Lessons, Small Group fun--Peer Relationships, Anger Management, and Family Relationships, and checking in with some individuals too.  It's the LAST TUESDAY for our 2011-12 school year!  Let's make the most of it.  :-)

Friday, May 25, 2012

BE SAFE on the holiday weekend!

Today I borrowed my husband's canoeing helmet and life jacket as a reminder to BE SAFE this holiday!  We want to see everybody back in "one piece" on Tuesday.  Enjoy your extra day with family and friends.  One kiddo shared she would be "practicing for summer!"  Sounds like a good plan!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Happy Field Days!

Today is K-2 Field Day and tomorrow is 3rd-5th! Wear your sunscreen and sneakers and come ready for fun outside.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Happy PIG Day!

Read an "Elephant and Piggie" story!  Author/Illustrator Mo Willems is truly a genius.  The books he creates are simple and fantastically entertaining.  Mr. Willems also writes the books about Pigeon and Cat the Cat and Hound the Hound.  Make sure you schedule a lot of reading into your summer fun and throw in an "Elephant and Piggie" book when you can!

Let's Go for a Drive! is the next "Elephant and Piggie" book.  It will be released on October 9, 2012!

Monday, May 21, 2012

"Bowling for Butterflies"

"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly."  --Richard Bach

Friday, May 18, 2012

We're going to the ZOO, ZOO, ZOO!

PHES 2nd Graders are visiting Riverbanks Zoo today!  I'm wearing my "Toucan Sam" visor.  "Follow your nose" for fun on a field study (that's the way we say "field trip" these days)!  HAPPY WEEKEND too! 

Thursday, May 17, 2012


I've got my "SECURITY" hat packed for today.  Be SAFE.  It looks wet and wild out there.  Go slow and give your best effort!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

It's that GOOFY time of year!

Today my son "J" let me borrow his GOOFY hat  because it is THAT time of year.  Make sure you laugh today .  .  . it is the best defense!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Put YOUR thinking cap on today!  Have some BRIGHT ideas on a Tuesday.  :-)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Read to Your Bunny

Yea for Rosemary Wells, creator of Max and Ruby!  She wrote the most wonderful book entitled Read to Your Bunny.  Spend some time with your family, reading together, laughing together.  Children do learn what they live.  When "your bunny reads to you," you'll know it's true too!  Today was a bunny ears kinda day.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Happy Mother's Day on Sunday, 5/13!

Don't forget to love on your mom this weekend!  Flowers would be nice .  .  .

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Lend a HAND

Today is OCTOPUS HAT day!  It goes well with my PURPLE Relay for Life shirt!  It also reminds me how we lend a hand to those in need.  Reach Out and share some kindness today.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Think PINK

Today I wore my pink "fight like a girl" shirt and pink flamingo hat!  Come to our 7:00 pm RELAY FOR LIFE event @ LHS stadium Friday, May 11.  We'll celebrate life and enjoy some good food, as we walk and remember.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Have Courage!

Today 3rd - 5th Graders begin PASS Testing!  This is our state assessment process, and we wish these students the best as the share all they have learned this school year.  BE BRAVE and HAVE COURAGE!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Happy National Children's Book Week!

Thank you to our creative Learning Commons Specialist, Ms. Andis (alias Mary Poppins), for planning a delightful "Favorite Book Character" parade this morning to kick off the celebration!  I saw Dorothy, Alice, Pete the Cat, Harry, Fancy Nancy, Pinkalicious, and so many other favorites!  I especially appreciated those who loved the book Charlotte's Web like me!  I saw Fern and Wilbur, and I wore my "Charlotte" spider hat.  Happy Book Week!  READ today and EVERYDAY. 

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Monday, April 30--we had a message from Bill the Buzzard!  He DID FLY @ the Friday, April 27 Mini Marathon!  I wore my Buzzard Hat to celebrate Bill "sharpening his saw" with us.  :-)

Tuesday, May 1--I wore my Hamburger Hat to remind folks about PHES DINING OUT night at Wendy's!
Wednesday, May 2--I wore my RED HAIR because we had to LEARN LIKE OUR HAIR WAS ON FIRE on our last Collaborative Day!  We had to squeeze a WHOLE day of learning in HALF a day of school. 

Thursday, May 3--HOPPY THURSDAY!  I wore my frog hat to welcome our future kindergarten families.  We read a great book Leap Back Home to Me by Lauren Thompson.  This story reminds me we've got to "let 'em GO to let 'em GROW!"

Friday, May 4--I wore my COLORFUL, clown hair!  The middle school sponsored a "Cougar Carnival" last night to celebrate another great school year.

Only 20 more days in the 2011-2012 school year!