Blowfish Breathing
I'll wear the STRAWBERRY hat tomorrow?! What are you growing in your garden? "Some say that a garden just grows from seeds, but we think it grows from trying and failing and trying again. A garden is hard work, but so is most of the good, important stuff in life . . . every little setback teaches us something. Dad says that every hard thing we choose to do MAKES US BRAVER for the next time."~WE ARE THE GARDENERS by Joanna Gaines and Kids #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS #whatddoesyourgardengrow @phescougars
Where do you feel what you feel in your body? If the feeling had a sound, what would it be? Could you describe your feeling with a texture (hard, sharp, fuzzy), temperature (warm, cold) or color (🌈)? Everyday is full of emotion, and that's more than "okay!" #yourfeelingsarevalid #feelingourfeelings #mrsbroamhats #nobodygetshurt #nothinggetsbroken @phescougars
Scaredy Squirrel has irrational fears of killer bees, tarantulas, sharks, germs, and green Martians. How would he feel about yetis??! Share your fears so you can know the difference between being "scared" or "scaredy!"😨 #mrsbroamhats #feelingourfeelings #nobodygetshurt #nothinggetsbroken @phescougars
All feelings are valid. It doesn't feel good to be sad, we don't like it or look forward to it, but we can do it. When Sadness is at Your Door by Eva Eland: " . . . just sit together [with your sadness] and be quiet for a while. Find something that you both enjoy, like drawing . . . listening to music . . . or drinking hot chocolate. Maybe Sadness doesn't like to stay inside. Try letting it out sometimes. Go for a walk through the trees. You can listen to their sounds together. Maybe all it [Sadness] wants to know is that is it welcome." If your sadness grows, talk to someone about it. #mrsbroamhats #feelingourfeelings #nobodygetshurt #nothinggetsbroken @phescougars