Thursday, October 29, 2020

TEAM Up for Healthy Choices


#RedRibbonWeek2020 #allin #mytigerrags #wegotthis #mrsbroamhats @PleasantHillElementary

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

If a Spider Wore Socks . . .


that would be about as silly as Mrs. Broam . . . SOCK IT to unhealthy choices! We will NOT take medicine that is NOT our medicine! #RedRibbonWeek2020 #healthychoices #wegotthis #mrsbroamhats @PleasantHillElementary

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Batty Mrs. Broam to the Rescue!

What kind of superhero are YOU?!
Thank you to Mrs. Rowell for locating a great video to celebrate "Be Brave" day of our Red Ribbon Week celebration: My favorite line: "You're more than your problems and more than your mistakes."~Kid President #RedRibbonWeek2020 #bebrave #beextraordinary #wegotthis #mrsbroamhats @PleasantHillElementary

Monday, October 26, 2020

Smiles Now

Great new book to Mrs. Broam:  Happy Right Now by Julie Berry!  Thank you for introducing it to me, Mrs. Ciortea!  Mrs. Broam has smiles on her book, head, ears, shirt, mask and FACE!  Can you find the happy in NOW?  Be hopeful, cheerful, helpful, and thankful.  And when you can't . . . well, that's okay too. Happy first day of Red Ribbon Week celebrating!  This year's theme is:
We are working on living our best lives at PHES, right now!  Please join us~tomorrow sport your superhero selves.  #RedRibbonWeek2020 #behappy #smilingiscontagious #wegotthis #mrsbroamhats @PleasantHillElementary

Thursday, October 22, 2020

See You at the Boo-Thru!


See You at the Boo-Thru! It's a drive-thru Trunk or Treat event for PHES Families tomorrow, 10/23, 5:30-6:30, front office loop only.  Drive by each station to collect treats from some of your favorite book characters! #staysafe #socialdistancing #mrsbroamhats @PleasantHillElementary

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Observant Owl


You can see things other animals cannot.  What do you observe with your super "owl vision?"🦉 #bemindful #mrsbroamhats @PleasantHillElementary

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The Magic of Bones

 Sharing the MAGIC of BONES on Tuesday!

Where Are Your Sitz Bones? --

zipaDee-Engage Pelvic Floor --

#mrsbroamhats @pleasanthillelementary

Monday, October 19, 2020

I've got my EYE on you!


Good to SEE all the "AA" and "BB" students at school today! #mrsbroamhats @pleasanthillelementary

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Be a Good Egg

Take walks.  Float in a river. Write in a journal.  Take time for simple moments. Breathe in. Breathe out.  Create.  Be a Good Egg. #selfcare #mrsbroamhats @PleasantHillElementary 

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Play Ball


Go, Braves, GO!👏 #NLCS2020 #mrsbroamhats

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Procrastination Parable

It's NUTS how we put off doing what we need to do by doing something else and then something else . . . we make it harder by delaying what we needed to do in the first place??! Do the challenging task NOW!  Don't wait, don't pokey around, git 'er done!  Learn from Silly Sidney!  Wanna hear Mrs. Broam talk the story? Click here: #eatyourbugsforbreakfast #youcandohardthings #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS @pleasanthillelementary

Monday, October 12, 2020

How's it GLOWING?


A smile is the light in the window of the face that shows a happy heart is home! #letyourlightshine #smilingbehindthemask #mrsbroamhats @pleasanthillelementary

Thursday, October 8, 2020

This Week is for the Birds #4


Wordy Birdy has LOTS to say.  She never listens.  Thankfully, Wordy Birdy has good friends who keep her safe, and Wordy Birdy learns to listen (sometimes). Read about Wordy Birdy's further adventures in Wordy Birdy Meets Mr. Cougarpants by Tammi Sauer.  This week is for the birds!  #turnONyourlisteningears #LOVEtolisten #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS @PleasantHillElementary

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

This Week is for the Birds #3


Nerdy Birdy's flock of friends did not welcome Vulture . . . Be a Teddy Bear and welcome EVERYONE, just as they are!!  Teddy Bear Friends also know how to apologize when they make not-so-nice posts . . . "I was a Bird Brain." Vulture said nothing.  "I shouldn't have tweeted that photo of you." Vulture said nothing.  "I'm sorry," said Nerdy Birdy.  "You should be, " said Vulture.  "I really am." And he really was. "What about your five hundred Tweetster friends?" asked Vulture.  Nerdy Birdy shrugged.  "One real live you is worth a thousand Tweetser friends." #truefriends #bekind #shareacceptance #thinkbeforeyoupost #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS @PleasantHillElementary

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

This Week is for the Birds #2

Today we thought about how the Ugly Duckling was not a "duckling" nor "ugly." What do people think about you?  What labels do you need to let go of because they do not serve you well? #bewhoyouare #bekind #beateddybearfriend #swimwiththeswans #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS

Monday, October 5, 2020

This Week is for the Birds #1

Pitch in and help the Little Red Hen!  You might miss out on fun later on if you don't . . . #helponeanother #youcandohardthings #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS @PleasantHillElementary

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Badger Book Character


Today's hat is a tribute to Frances and Gloria!  Russell and Lillian Hoban's badgers are favorite book characters from my childhood:  Bedtime for Frances (1960), A Baby Sister for Frances (1964), Bread and Jam for Frances (1964), A Birthday for Frances (1968), Best Friends for Frances (1969), and A Bargain for Frances (1970) Who are your favorite book characters? #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamREADS @pleasanthillelementary