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Thursday, April 30, 2015
THINKING on Thursday
"CUT YOUR LIGHT ON!" This is a phrase I learned from Mrs. M-C. I found a hat so I can do it! Jim Fay of Love & Logic says, "Your job is to be a good, healthy, adult role model . . . " Hunter's Mom in Hunter's Best Friend at School by Laura Malone Elliot says, "Sometimes being a best friend means you have to help your friend be his best self." Mrs. Broam says, "My business is enough business to keep me BUSY!" What do YOU say? How can YOU shine your light today to bring out the light in OTHERS? That's what I'm THINKING on Thursday!
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
It's a BRAINY Week!
It's a BRAINY week! Today's the first day of state testing. BRAINS ON! Thank you for taking deep breaths to do your best thinking. Tomorrow at PHES, 10:30-11:00, Ms. Arnette and I will host another mini parenting workshop! Our topic will be "Going Brain Dead." Yes, there is a time for BRAINS OFF. Parents, please join us or let us know if you'd like the info, and we'll add your email and contact info to our list.
Monday, April 27, 2015
G-R-I-N, Grin!
It isn't any trouble just to G-R-I-N, GRIN!
It isn't any trouble just to G-R-I-N, GRIN!
It isn't any trouble that won't vanish like a bubble
if we'll only take the trouble just to G-R-I-N, GRIN!
Sing the entire song:
Friday, April 24, 2015
9th Annual Smile Train Mini Marathon
I had a smile on my shirt, smiles on my hat and a smile on my face!
Mr. Cronin gives an update at the beginning of each related arts block. This year the goal was 28 surgeries and kiddos collected $12,300+, enough to fund 49 surgeries! Smile Train has a matching funds sponsor currently that TRIPLED PHES's giving to 147 surgeries! WOW. PHES contributions to Smile Train have funded 736 surgeries in nine years! WOW. WOW. WOW.
Mrs. M-C always has plenty of bubbles to share!
Mrs. M-C always has plenty of bubbles to share!
This year she cut holes in fly swatters to make bigger bubbles.
Some kiddos run through the bubbles and some try to POP them! Still others dodge the bubbles. All of the above strategies are FUN!
Running "Miles for Smiles" is AMAZING! Thanks for your generosity and enthusiasm, PHES Cougars! It was a GLORIOUS day.
And it's not over! You can meet on the track tonight at 7:00 for PHES Spirit Nite and an outdoor viewing of "Big Hero 6."
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Tomorrow on the Track
Meet you tomorrow on the track for the 9th Annual PHES Mini-Marathon! The shirts look GREAT. I saw this sign at Deerfield Elementary yesterday:
Keeping track is how we stay focused and get done what we set out to do! I love my Garmin Vivofit 2 for tracking my steps each day. Yesterday I accomplished 20,000! WOOT. Looking forward to tracking tomorrow's fun. Bring your smile and come join us!
Do you need a Bodybugg or Weight Watchers Activelink? I even have an old fashioned pedometer looking for a good home. Far away friends, I'll be glad to mail these to you! Happy TRACKING!
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Happy on Earth Day
Our former school counselor, Mrs. Vangie Clark, texted me recently, "That's the mission - leave a mark that impacts others, hoping to create a chain reaction!!!" It's Earth Day, a day to reflect on the footprint we create. What good are you doing to make more good happen in this world? I'm smiling today, and may this smile make another smile . . . what are the corners of your mouth up to?
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Happy Juice in Your Brain
"We are hard wired to feel good about doing good." MindUp PreK-2 Curriculum, p. 137
When you participate in the "Miles for Smiles Mini Marathon" your body actually releases dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, a chemical messenger influencing a wide range of feelings and behaviors. "When we have sufficient levels of this "feel good" neurotransmitter in our brain, we are more able to maintain motivation, delay gratification, and feel rewarded and content." MindUp PreK-2 Curriculum, p. 69 "Dopamine release is triggered when we engage in pleasurable experiences like play-filled activities, laughing, physical exercise, kind gestures, and positive social interaction." MindUp PreK-2 Curriculum, p. 119 Mrs. Broam understands it as "happy juice in your brain." Get the happy juice flowing in your brain on Friday!
Monday, April 20, 2015
Get your SMILE on!
This is the week for our annual PHES Smile Train Mini Marathon! This is one of my favorite PHES events of all time! So much good happens through this effort. Mr. Cronin, one of our P.E. teachers, created the Smile Train Mini Marathon nine years ago because it is so near and dear to his heart. Having cleft palate surgery is life changing. He educates the students about the needs and how Smile Train shares smiles with children all over the world. The PHES students raise money and then run the mini marathon as a celebration! The money pays for cleft palate surgeries and academic projects at PHES. It's a win, win, WIN opportunity! Join us on Friday to celebrate sharing smiles. :-)
Friday, April 17, 2015
Spare to Share!
I wore my "Make a Splash, READ!" shirt for a final salute to National Library Week today. . . but I left my Duck Hat at home?! QUACK! I had a hat for a bird of another feather in the back on my van?! And it was kinda chilly willy this morning . . . even though this is not what I PLANNED to share today, I'm in charge of what I think, and I'm thinking the lesson is to "go with the flow or the ice floe" as the Penguin Hat might best represent! Have an AWESOME Friday. If life hands YOU lemons, how will YOU make lemonade?
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Showers Bring Flowers!
My favorite line in this book: ". . . there are seeds and they are trying!" Thank you, Pleasant Hill Elementary School Counseling Advisory Board, for a fruitful meeting this morning! We talked about the brown, the "hopeful, very possible sort of brown," the birds, the "greenish hum," rain, sunshine, and GREEN. Thanks for helping us G-R-O-W our counseling program to better meet the needs of our learning community.
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Pizza Breath
Here's another past Summer Reading t-shirt from the public library for our National Library Week celebrating! We also enjoyed "pizza breath" today. Thank you, Mrs. Walters, for sharing this breathing technique. Hold your goey, cheesy slice of pizza under your nose and inhale! Exhale a "YUM" and repeat. It's a delicious way to breathe.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Monday, April 13, 2015
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Funny Bunny
As a school librarian, I would share Read to Your Bunny by Rosemary Wells. If you read to your bunny, your bunny will read to you! It's not only reading we model, it's ALL our choices. Kiddos do what they see. What habits are your sharing with the young folks in your life? If you need some good ideas, try Sean Covey's 7 Habits of Happy Kids for a great start.
Enjoy your holidays, Cougars! I'll be wearing my next hat on Monday, April 13.