Smiley Hat Woman
Today I wore a stocking cap with a smiley face, heart and peace sign on it. A kindergartner commented as she crossed the crosswalk, "there's that smiley hat woman." :-)
That's "name calling" I can appreciate!
Today I wore a stocking cap with a smiley face, heart and peace sign on it. A kindergartner commented as she crossed the crosswalk, "there's that smiley hat woman." :-)
It was a cold and rainy morning, but I think the sun comes back out tomorrow? I wore my Kavu Sunhat today to encourage the idea!
People often ask, "Where do you get all the hats?" The funny thing is, at this point, they sort of "find me!" :-) For example, the hat I wore today was one someone was cleaning up and throwing away. One man's TRASH is Mrs. Broam's TREASURE. It has equal parts denim cloth, butterflies, tiger print, black and white checked, etc. and we talked today about how you can be all of the above (denim--comfortable, butterflies--love the outdoors, tiger print--WILD, black and white checked--organized and tidy), but you can do too much of any good thing. It's easy to OVERDO and be outta balance.
Wednesday, February 20
Hope you enjoyed your extra l-o-n-g weekend and had a GGRReat President's Day holiday! I wore my red, white and blue cheer hat today because I didn't have anyone to wear it for yesterday! :-)
I was an "astronut," I mean "astronaut" today! We had fun dreaming BIG and reaching for the MOON!
How about you? Will you "grow" on a RAINY DAY? Learn ALL you can today. :-)