I'll bring my "tomahawk to chop" tomorrow to celebrate the baseball playoffs CLINCH tonight! GO BRAVES!
I'll bring my "tomahawk to chop" tomorrow to celebrate the baseball playoffs CLINCH tonight! GO BRAVES!
Ms. Arnette and I are taking our show on the road today! We are visiting Kindergarten Students to remind (or introduce) the school expectations--Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible. We will have fun with David Shannon's book, No, David! in the process. We want to say "Yes, Kindergarten!" when we wrap up just like this story ends with a "Yes, David!"
"Be the change you want to see in the world."--Mahatma Gandhi
I remember a commercial where the doughnut maker had to get up early to get to work. He repeated, "Time to make the doughnuts," as he groggily prepared for his job. Thank you to two young PHES Cougars who shared a hat from a recent excursion to a local doughnut shop! I wore this hat today to remember we all have to get on our jobs and git 'er done! "Time to Make the Doughnuts!"
I'm wearing a bird headband tomorrow and need your help! What kinds of ways can you have "CHEAP! CHEAP!" Fun on a Friday? Spending time with your family can be a great investment and doesn't have to be an expensive one . . .
Today I wore my Goldilocks wig! I thought we could remember to be more RESPECTFUL than Goldilocks today . . . Mrs. Mitchum said it should be EASY to do. Don't go places you shouldn't go, make sure your Mama and Daddy know where you are at ALL time, don't eat other people's food (without an invitation), and don't BREAK others' stuff . . .
We're doing MONDAY on a TUESDAY! We will really have to USE OUR BRAINS! Hope you enjoyed your Labor Day Holiday.
Yesterday was our first SCHOOL SPIRIT DAY at PHES! We saw lots of GREEN and YELLOW! GO COUGARS! Enjoy your holiday weekend. Rest and relax and we'll see you next week on TUESDAY, September 4.