Wednesday, November 22, 2023

nuts, football, and cheese with mac

On Monday I was nutty, building bridges to calm. 🌰🐿️🍂🌉😌

On Tuesday, it was football! Bringing balm or qualm?🏈🎉😵‍💫
Today is the cheesiest and a book by Jory John! 🧀 📚 
Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow to each and everyone!🎈🦃🍗🥧❤️
#haveablessedholiday #vitaminDeeBeeministry

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Be Kind

(9 min audio file-- Google Drive Link)

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Welcome ALL


(7 1/2 min audio file -- Google Drive Link)

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Black and white thinking is when you think in absolutes!  "I know everything there is to know" vs  "I am a total failure" or "I can't do anything right at all."  The truth is somewhere in the middle!  Next time the phrase, "I always" or "I never" pops out of your mouth, catch yourself and try to relocate your thought from the extreme direction it was heading.  Changing your thinking, changes your world. #thinkingatLTSS #sharewithsomeoneyouloveorlikejustalittle #zebrariffic #deebeehats #noonehasstripeslikeyou

Monday, August 28, 2023

When It Rains On Monday


When it rains, you have to modify your outdoor fun . . . how do feel? What do YOU do? #allyourfeelingsarevalid #seekresilience #deebeehats #welcomebackKoinoina #HurricaneFranklin #TSIdalia

Monday, February 20, 2023

Sloth on a Turtle Speed

 Oops!  My pink sloth is relaxing on his turtle ride . . . but he's there.

Tonight at Platt Springs UMC yoga (6:30-7:30, in the Narthex), we'll explore the S-L-O-W Motion button on your self-control remote control! As a rule, we are OVER SCHEDULED, OVER DOING IT, acting as if we are human DOINGS and not human BEINGS.  Come, slow down us.  How do you know what's next if you don't spend some time being still and quiet to regroup, refresh, and restore. Never tried yoga?  Come, try with us.  We'll take good care of you.  Peace and Blessings on a Monday~#selfcontrolremotecontrol #circleofcontrol #slowdown #selfcare #mrsbroamhats

Monday, January 16, 2023

drop the mic moment

When your daughter shares how she's using Love and Logic© techniques with her friends . . . 
How could I be more proud of this 16 year old?😊 #thatsmygirl #loveandlogic #wannaknowmore