Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Upright Your Unbalance

In Zachary Shapiro's We're All in the SAME BOAT, the umbrella birds were unbalanced . . . then they uprighted themselves!  Upright your unbalance today!

Begin in "stork" position.  Balance on one foot while bending the opposite knee and lifting the foot. 

Next push the knee through and extend the leg like the tailfeather of a flying bird!

Bring your "tailfeather" back through and crossover the standing leg, setting up for Eagle Pose.  You can plug the toe into the ground as you bend the standing leg or wrap the foot around the lower portion of the standing leg as you bend.

So in Eagle Pose, use the same arm as the leg crossed over to tuck under the other arm.  You may wrap the arms and hands.  If the arms are less flexible, you can hold them side by side, hands together.  When you practice your balance, you improve your focus and concentration skills.  Take a balancing brain break for better learning! #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamMOVES #mrsbroamREADS


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