Happy Grandparents Day!
Friday I wore a "grandma wig" with my Grandma Drucie's hat and shawl (I forgot to put on her gloves) and my glasses (that I never wear so it looked to be part of the costume)! Thank you, Grandparents! I hope folks were able to call, visit, share some love and some time with grandmas and grandpas today.
Here's some "Grandparent Stories" to enjoy together:
Grandpa Green by Lane Smith--Mrs. Andis shared this book with me! Lane Smith remembers his grandpa--what a loving, poetic tribute!
A Visit to Grandma's by Nancy Carlson--a fun story of a grandma who "grows up" and the changes take a little adjustment for the family . . .
Thundercake by Patricia Polacco--Grandma and her granddaughter make Thundercake to overcome fear of the impending storm. "From where I sit, only a brave person could have done all of them things!" Ms. Polacco includes a recipe for Thundercake so you can actually make some--yum!
When I Am Old with You by Angela Johnson--I've always enjoyed this one because I thought it would be a good idea as a young adult to (retire first and) hang out with my grandparents and then promise to work later . . .
Tom by Tomie dePaola--author/illustrator Tomie dePaola remembers his Grandpa--how rich to have a grandpa you can get in trouble with . . .
Too Many Babas by Carolyn Croll--too many cooks truly spoils the soup! Having a plan is muy importante. This story is great for reminding that working as team is best.
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