No Drama Llamas
Wednesday at Yoga Camp . . .
We read yoga books while waiting for everyone to arrive.
When we gathered, we reviewed the motions for each person's name!
It's fun to the see the pictures of each day's activities.
The BIG singing bowl makes a BIG sound!
We learned about having a Bubblegum Brain vs. a Brick Brain. We explored the life cycle of the sea turtle to better understand GRIT (Growth Resilience Integrity and Tenacity). We breath to manage our "Drama Llamas."
We rested . . .
and blew bubbles to practice breathing!
We created drawings with oil pastels.
"Centers" today were related to managing feelings in healthy ways!

We played a couple games . . .
Mrs. Broam forgot to let Hannah introduce the Peace Builder?! We'll catch up on Wilma on Thursday.
We played the Sea Shell Game for our mindful moment of the day.
We love Yoga Camp!๐๐๐งก๐๐
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