Thursday, January 25, 2018


How did the rams solve their problem when deciding where to eat?  First they identified the problem:  The little ram wanted to go to Old MacDonald's Farm.  The "head" ram preferred the McDonald's Drive Thru.  The hairy ram wanted to go across the bridge where the grass was supposed to be greener . . .  They engaged in NEGOTIATION to make a plan for lunch.  What would be the consequence of each choice?  If they go to Farmer MacDonald's, they would see old friends from the farm.  If they went to the McDonald's Drive Thru, they could only buy off the dollar menu because they were low on funds . . . If they went across the bridge, they would have to tangle with the troll . . .  Together they decided it would be best to dine at Old MacDonald's Farm!  NEGOTIATION is like walking up stairs.  You gotta take one step at a time.  NEGOTIATION is one way to solve a problem where (1) nobody gets hurt and (2) nothing gets broken.  #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroampuppets #confictresolutiontools #nobodygetshurt #nothinggetsbroken 


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