Monday, September 10, 2018

Think OUTSIDE the BOX Turtle

This yoga posture is described as "tortoise pose." It keeps you energetic and healthy by toning the spine and activating the abdominal organs.  Because it involves folding the body, it calms the nervous system and shuts out sensory distractions (when you curl your head under instead of smiling for a camera)! 😊
Here's Mrs. Broam with a couple of TEDDY BEAR FRIENDS with turtles on their shirts!  TURTLE FRIENDS are too shy and scared to come out of their turtle shells . . . ask questions, make new friends, get OUTside your BOX turtle shells!!  The world needs to know you, and you need to make the world a better place like only you can do! 🌍 #mrsbroamhats #mrsbroamMOVES #animalfriends #teddybearfriends


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