Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Putting Out Fires

We're putting out fires today!  It's a problem-solving process, and we can work together to achieve best results.  I'm thinking of the times we knock noggins with someone as a "fire."  Do you slow down and de-escalate with a fire extinguisher or do you pour accelerant on the fire and fan the flames?  Our choices can determine the severity and damage of the fire .  .  .  Here's some fire fighting tips that may be helpful as you consider your choices:

take a deep breath
count 1 to 10
go for a walk
close you eyes and think of a happier place or time
move like the sun:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5POltBH6Jo or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbhTmAygygs 
Have some words ready to say to yourself:  "nooo problem,"  "go to peace not pieces," "I am calm," "find a happy place"

What are some other ideas for fighting fires?  If we can stay in our thinking brain, we'll make a better choice!


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